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Tutorial: How To Sell Your Ideas To Others(如何向他人推销你的想法)在线视频

Tutorial: How To Sell Your Ideas To Others(如何向他人推销你的想法)

 How to sell your ideas to others



Welcome back to the second part of the tutorial, how to sell your ideas to others.



In this tutorial, I will bring you back to the reality. No matter how creative your idea is, more often than not, you need to obtain other people's cooperation, approval or authority before you put it into action.



With routine problems, where there is common understanding of what is involved, this is straightforward. It simply involves notifying the relevant people of your idea and how it will affect them.



However, with complex problems, and where major change is required, you should plan how to get your idea across to others effectively. 



It is important though that you understand the reasons why people may oppose and possibly reject your idea, and prepare your chain of thought which optimizes the chances of your idea being accepted in your presentation.



It can be frustrating. You have to consult other people before you can put a seemingly reasonable and creative idea into action. In some situations, this is justifiable, for example, the nature of the other’s work will be affected. On other occasions, it is in your own interests to consult others.



Unless you get the agreement of those who have the authority to sanction your idea, you may not be able to proceed further, not to mention that without the commitment of those involved in the implementation, it will unlikely be entirely successful.



There are many reasons why people may oppose a solution. Not all of these are related directly to the ideas and actions concerned. They include:



(1)         A poor solution.Any solution which does not deal with the problem effectively, is not practical, or does not take into consideration all the relevant factors, are likely be opposed.



(2)         Nature of the problem. When a problem is having serious consequences, people will scrutinize it more closely.  Similarly, if the people involved have a good knowledge of the problem or some aspects of the solution, it also will receive close scrutiny. Under these circumstances, any aspects of your idea which do not conform to their expectations may be opposed simply because of differences of opinion.



(3)  Lack of interest in the problem can create opposition when people feel that you are wasting their time by involving them. Lack of knowledge of the problem area can also create opposition if you do not give people sufficient information for them to understand your reasons for choosing a particular solution.



(4)  Individual needs and expectations- These can colour people's perception and reactions to your proposed solution. For example, an individual who has a strong need to feel independent may oppose any solution which increases collective responsibility or encourages group working. Expectations of the outcome of a solution can also create opposition too.

个人的需要和期望- 这些因素会影响人们对你所提出的方案的感觉和反应。例如,一个对独立有着强烈需求的人可能会反对任何增加集体责任或鼓励小组工作的方案。对方案结果的预期也可能产生反对的意见。


(5)  Resistance to change. Some institutions and people are strongly resistant to change, for example, healthcare service and its professionals. In these situations, a solution which involves considerable change in the status quo and resources may meet strong opposition, even when it is good and presented well.



(6)  Mistrust of the solution. Many people have an in-built suspicion of ideas which are highly innovative, or yield high rewards by a simple rule of thumb. It is 'too good to be true'.



(7)  Poor presentation. You can create opposition by not presenting your idea effectively, for example, if you do not identify the benefits sufficiently to outweigh the disadvantages, or not communicating it effectively so that people either misunderstand or are unable to evaluate the solution.



(8)  Poor timing. However sound the idea, an ill-timed solution can meet with opposition, e.g. proposing a robotic solution which may lead to termination of some employee’s contracts in the middle of economic downturn in the society.



(9)  Interpersonal conflict. Your relationship with the people to whom you are presenting your ideas, and their perceptions of you, can have a profound effect on their reaction to your solution. Unfortunately, these factors are very complex and often have been created over many years.



For example, if at some time in the distant past, you have criticized or rejected someone's ideas, when it is time to listen to your ideas, they still may feel resentment and try to block them.


返回《Innovation and Creative Thinking (创新与创意思维)》慕课在线视频列表

Innovation and Creative Thinking (创新与创意思维)课程列表:

1. Introduction to Innovation and Creativity (介绍创新与创意)

-Creativity and Innovation

2.Introduction to Challenge Based Learning(介绍以挑战为本的学习)

-Assessment: Challenge Based Learning

3. Creative Problem Solving (创造性解决问题)

-Creative Problem Solving

4. Idea Generation (产生想法)

-Idea Generation

-Problem Framing(问题框架)

5. Strategies, Guidelines and Tools For Idea Generation(培养方法的策略、指引和工具)

-Identifying Why People May Oppose Your Ideas(明确人们反对你想法的原因)

6. Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas

-The Process of Planning the Presentation (汇报的计划过程)

-Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas(让他人对你的想法感到积极的方法)

7. Solution Identification and Implementation (方案的确认和实施)

-Solution identification and implementation

8. Solution Identifying and Appraising and Outcome Evaluation(方案的确认、评价和效果评估)

-Solution appraisal and evaluation (方案的评价和审核)

9. Creative Solution (有创意的方案)

-Case study: Telehealth and telecare Initiative (远程医疗和远程照护的首创)

-Case study: Acu-magnetic therapeutic for knee osteoarthritis(磁疗护膝治疗膝骨关节炎)

10. Change and Innovation (改变和创新)

-Change and Innovation

11. Measures of Creativity and Creative Thinking (创意的评估)

-Measures of creativity and creative thinking

12. Creative Thinking in Everyday Life (创意思维在日常生活中的应用)

-Creative thinking in everyday life1

-Creative thinking in everyday life 2

13. Case Study (Selective)个案研究(选学)

-Case study: Making Crispy Vegetables(制作酥脆蔬菜)

-Tutorial: How To Sell Your Ideas To Others(如何向他人推销你的想法)

-Case Study: Heart Rate Variability (心率变异性)

-Case Study: sleep apnoea(睡眠呼吸暂停)

-Case study: sleep apnoea (continued)

-Case Study: Making special fabric (编织特殊织物)

-Case Study: Keep-fit formula for Children (学童Keep-Fit方程式)

Tutorial: How To Sell Your Ideas To Others(如何向他人推销你的想法)笔记与讨论


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