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Case study: Acu-magnetic therapeutic for knee osteoarthritis(磁疗护膝治疗膝骨关节炎)在线视频

Case study: Acu-magnetic therapeutic for knee osteoarthritis(磁疗护膝治疗膝骨关节炎)

Acu-magnetic therapeutic for knee osteoarthritis



Professor: Amy, I just came back from a nursing home, There I saw many old people they lie in bed, were incontinent. Some of them were even demented. One thing that's really horrified with a lot of them are in pain. They revealed they had osteoarthritis. I know you have done some work in the area.  Why are you interested in osteoarthritis?



Amy: Well, I know this disease because of my grandmother. She has suffered from the osteoarthritis on the knee, for I think nearly 20 years, and worse and worse.  Everyday just stays at home, no travelling, no shopping, no social participation, so I really want to do something for her to relieve her sufferings. I began to be interested in osteoarthritis. And after I looked into this disease, I found that the prevalence of osteoarthritis is really very high, especially in the elderly.



It could be the leading cause of disability in the elderly that highly reduced their quality of life. So now I want to do things for more people, especially the elderly with osteoarthritis on the knee. It has become my interest, and also become my responsibility, because now I am a researcher.



Professor: That's very good! It sounds very good, the work that you have done. What's new about your research?



Amy: I think the biggest feature of my research is that we have developed a wearable device as a new approach for knee osteoarthritis management.  It integrates the acutherapy, magnetic-therapy and also the textiles, so this function of knee brace on one hand could offer some therapeutic effect, for knee osteoarthritis relieving. On the other hand, it provides some textiles properties, like comfortable, soft, lightweight, and easier to donning on and taking off. Just like our daily wear.



Professor: How did you come up with this idea? It sounds brilliant.



Amy: Actually, I came up this idea after screening some conventional treatments. And I found that traditional treatments could be divided into the pharmacological, surgical and non-pharmacological treatments. But so, for the traditional pharmacological treatments usually it associated with some side effects, like the renal dysfunction, the blood pressure elevation and some drug dependence. But for the surgical treatment it existed some high medical risks and it requires a lot on the health condition of the patients because they need to recover after the operation. So for my research topic, my target population is the elderly. They have relatively poor health condition, rich medical history and diverse drug intake. So I think the non-pharmacological treatments would be more suitable for this group of people due to its low medical risk, free side effects, long lasting effectiveness and high acceptance.

艾米:实际上,我是在筛选了一些常规治疗方法之后提出了这个想法。我发现传统治疗可分为药物治疗,手术治疗和非药物治疗。传统的药物治疗通常会伴有一些副作用,如肾功能不全,血压升高和某些药物依赖等。手术治疗则存在比较高的医疗风险,并且由于术后康复的需要,对患者的术前的健康状况要求较高。然而对于我的研究课题,我的目标人群是老年人,他们的健康状况相对较差、有丰富的病史、药物摄入比较多样化,所以我认为非药物治疗更适合老年人, 因为其医疗风险很低,没有明显的副作用,持久有效和接受度较高。


But the non-pharmacological treatments are not always perfect. Sometimes they're time consuming and restricted by some professional instruments and professional therapists. So I want to find a more approach for the osteoarthritis. That's why I came up with the wearable device of the acu-magnetic knee brace. So my patients with osteoarthritis could flexibly apply this acu-magnetic device in their daily life and daily activities to highly support their home care and self-health management.



ProfessorTell us a bit how did it work?



Amy: I can show you in this PowerPoint, how this acu-magnetic knee brace works. Firstly, according to the literature review and the clinical advice, there are totally six acupoints selected, including an extra point and 5 acupoints located on 4 meridians. And according to the traditional Chinese medicine stimulations, including the acu-magnetic stimulation on these selected acupuncture points could offer some therapeutic effects on the knee osteoarthritis. We noticed that all these acupoints they concentrated surround the knee. So a knee brace could be suitable apparel form for our product development.



So here I show you the knee brace design sketch. Yeah, this is our designed acu-magnetic knee brace with six small sized and tiny pockets designed on the inner surface to put in our treatment pads. So these six pads were matching the six selected acupuncture points, therefore to offer some acu-magnetic stimulation to provide the therapeutic effects.



ProfessorTell me a bit more about the study



Amy: Today I also bring some finished acu-magnetic knee brace. Like this, and on the inner surface as I presented in the sketch, there are six small sized and tiny pockets to put in our treatment magnets. Because this knee brace and the magnet may have different life time, if the magnets breaks first, we can put in a new one. So this acu-magnetic can be used in a long term practical use. Yes. And also in this PowerPoint I have presented some details also including the patterns. Actually, we have designed three sizes, small medium size to fulfill people with different leg dimensions.



Professor: And you did a clinical trial.



Amy: Yes.



Professor: How did you select the subjects, where did you do it and how did you collect the data?



Amy: Ok. In this Powerpoint I can show you the randomized control trial, protocol design. So originally more than 200 people were accessed for eligibility. And after that the number of 106 subjects were finally enrolled and completed the whole trial. They were randomly allocated three groups including the experimental group, a sham group and a control group and different groups has its own intervention. And the whole trial was conducted in an elderly home.



This is the elderly home environment and every day the researcher will go to the elderly home to help the subjects to wear the functional knee brace and also have to check in the treating point fitting status with the selected acupoints. Also, we have conducted a series of assessments. We could have a quick look on how we conducted all these assessments. And, the standard questionnaire of WOMAC, the Berg Balance Scale and the knee Range of Motion we record it as our measurement outcomes



Professor: What's the result?



Amy: Here I summarized the primary outcomes and the secondary outcomes. So effectiveness could be observed from the score variation assessed by the aforementioned assessments. So, here from both primary outcomes and secondary outcomes, we could conclude that our randomized controlled trial has demonstrated the effectiveness of the acu-magnetic knee brace for symptomatic knee osteoarthritis relief, in terms of knee stiffness, knee pain, physical function, balance capability, and knee range of motion on both legs.



Professor:  That sounds very good! Have you given a set to your grandma?



Amy: Ah, yes!



Professor: Does she like it?



Amy: Yes, and she is still trying this, I think it needs a long time to wearing this acu-magnetic knee brace.



Professor: In the whole process, I am sure that it’s very challenging. What about the challenges did you have and encountered?



Amy: Actually, throughout the whole research project we have several challenges to overcome. And the biggest one I think is to balance that acu-magnetic function and the textile materials. Because you know, sometimes some fabrics which is suitable to fabricate some common knee braces would not be suitable to fabricate an acu-magnetic knee brace. So we have designed three experiments. I could briefly show you these three experiments.



So these designed experiments helped us to select the optimized material for our products. The first experiment is the magnet strength test. We need to test the adopted magnets for their stability and usability in the long term practical use. So our test results indicated that our selected magnets would be stable and usable after soaking in laundry water for 10 hours, after machine washing in laundry water for 20 times and after hand washing for 20 times. And also, we explored the magnetic strength variation along with the testing distance. And this could be very useful knowledge for our knee brace thickness design and structure design.



The second experiment is to select the fabric materials. We explored many many fabrics and selected 10 of them. I can show you here. So we get 10 of them as our candidates. And these 10 fabric sample candidates were instrumentally assessed for their physical mechanical properties and surface characteristics and summarized in this table by further compared and for further selection. And the last experiment is the matching test for the magnet and the fabric. Because in the real wearing condition, there's a single layer of fabric between our human skin and the treatment magnet. So we need to explore the score variation along with the fabric layer increase. So we can call it the magnetic flux permeability of different fabrics.



The testing results show that for the magnetic flux permeability, the fabric sample number 6,7,9,10 was better than fabric 4,5,8, and better than 1,2,3. So on the bottom of these fabric examples, I have specific codes. Yes. So after these three experiments, we shall start the material selection, and specific fabrics were excluded due to a series of reasons, for example, the low magnetic flux permeability and low pilling resistance, low surface roughness. Finally, the fabric sample number five, this one was selected for use to fabricate our knee brace because of its property of light and thin, good magnetic flux permeability, good pilling resistance, its superior performances in all fabric properties.



This could be a long journey for us to make a fabric selection, which we think it is the biggest challenge and the next we think another big challenge for us is to control so many people in our trial, to control the time, the cost, to conduct the assessments for four times totally throughout the six week intervention period. Another very big challenge.



Professor: It had to be very challenging, particularly when you’re doing the clinical trial in an old aged home, and you have to solicit the support of old people, and this is not easy. The study itself is worthwhile, I think, when you look at the innovative products that you have designed. You must be very happy with this.



Amy: Yeah!



Professor: and I'm sure that your grandma is also happy with this.



Amy: I will try to apply this acu-magnetic theory to more parts of the human body maybe to apply them on more acupoints to treat for more health problems to serve for more people, serve the society.



Professor: That's good! look forward to seeing more of this kind of products from you. Thank you.



Amy: Thank you!


返回《Innovation and Creative Thinking (创新与创意思维)》慕课在线视频列表

Innovation and Creative Thinking (创新与创意思维)课程列表:

1. Introduction to Innovation and Creativity (介绍创新与创意)

-Creativity and Innovation

2.Introduction to Challenge Based Learning(介绍以挑战为本的学习)

-Assessment: Challenge Based Learning

3. Creative Problem Solving (创造性解决问题)

-Creative Problem Solving

4. Idea Generation (产生想法)

-Idea Generation

-Problem Framing(问题框架)

5. Strategies, Guidelines and Tools For Idea Generation(培养方法的策略、指引和工具)

-Identifying Why People May Oppose Your Ideas(明确人们反对你想法的原因)

6. Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas

-The Process of Planning the Presentation (汇报的计划过程)

-Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas(让他人对你的想法感到积极的方法)

7. Solution Identification and Implementation (方案的确认和实施)

-Solution identification and implementation

8. Solution Identifying and Appraising and Outcome Evaluation(方案的确认、评价和效果评估)

-Solution appraisal and evaluation (方案的评价和审核)

9. Creative Solution (有创意的方案)

-Case study: Telehealth and telecare Initiative (远程医疗和远程照护的首创)

-Case study: Acu-magnetic therapeutic for knee osteoarthritis(磁疗护膝治疗膝骨关节炎)

10. Change and Innovation (改变和创新)

-Change and Innovation

11. Measures of Creativity and Creative Thinking (创意的评估)

-Measures of creativity and creative thinking

12. Creative Thinking in Everyday Life (创意思维在日常生活中的应用)

-Creative thinking in everyday life1

-Creative thinking in everyday life 2

13. Case Study (Selective)个案研究(选学)

-Case study: Making Crispy Vegetables(制作酥脆蔬菜)

-Tutorial: How To Sell Your Ideas To Others(如何向他人推销你的想法)

-Case Study: Heart Rate Variability (心率变异性)

-Case Study: sleep apnoea(睡眠呼吸暂停)

-Case study: sleep apnoea (continued)

-Case Study: Making special fabric (编织特殊织物)

-Case Study: Keep-fit formula for Children (学童Keep-Fit方程式)

Case study: Acu-magnetic therapeutic for knee osteoarthritis(磁疗护膝治疗膝骨关节炎)笔记与讨论


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