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Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas(让他人对你的想法感到积极的方法)在线视频

Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas(让他人对你的想法感到积极的方法)

Ways to get others to feel positive about your ideas


Today we will have a tutorial. This tutorial we look at ways to get others to feel positive about your ideas.



Hi! How are you getting on with your challenge based learning projects



It’s challenging!



Very enjoyable!



It’s interesting!



All right! I’m really pleased to hear this. When I read your report on the checkpoints, I can feel your pain, sometimes, your happiness, at times, your sadness, and also frustration. As you have not done this before in your high school,all these feelings are normal. Don’t be afraid! Just move ahead to do it!



Maybe we should spend sometime to reflect on what you have gone through in the past few weeks. Let’s try to see whether you have found yourselfhaving less frustration, feeling more comfortable with teamwork, and starting to feel that you want to sell the ideas to others. Do a minute of reflection first.



I’m sure that now you find a lot of ideas flying through your mind. Just leave it for the time being. Let me just share with you some of our experiences. I will give you some tips to start off. These tips have been used by many others before,and they find it very effective. So after I mentiondescribingto youthe tips, then you can try this tutorial.



The first way that we do is we must make sure that we know the idea very well. It sounds like common sense to many people. Unfortunately, we often do not spend enough time to get the factual information.



When we try to sell the ideas to others, we try to sell in such a way that people start to suspect that whether we know the fact or not. So do a bit more homework, know your idea, and try to explain it to others as clearly as possible.



The best test for this is to find a few friends, use a couple of sentences, explain to them what you are trying to do.  Then look at their facial expressions. If they start to stare at you without any excitement, something has gone wrong. Probably, they don’t understand for even a single word that you said.



If that’s the case, it means you could do something about this. Do a bit more preparation work, study more factual information, and then ask your friends to hear your sentences again. Sometimes, your friends may understand partially, so they will say yes. They could be as polite as they would like to be with you. Then they say I understand.



In those circumstances, I suggest you test them, asking them questions to see their response and to hear what they say. If their responses are expected, then you truly understand that you are on the right track. So it is important that you test yourself whether you have grasped the major ideas that you try to put forward.



Did you get this experience before? 你以前有过这种经历吗?


Yes, I did before. Jane?是的,我以前有。珍呢?


I don’t have such experience before. What about you? 我以前没有这种经历。你呢?


Me too! 我也没有!


Well, you have or have not, it doesn’t matter. Because in your future I’m sure you will come across this. Bear it in mind, it will be very useful if you know where the source of the problems is.



The second tip is very important. You need to know your audience.



Although you work in a small group, you have six or seven members. Each member in actual fact has his own personality, has his own values and belief. When you try to sell your ideas to them, you have to know what they like, what they don’t like or what the personality is and how strong their own belief is.



Having known all these, then you can start to do your preparation. Start to find how to convey your messages to these members. This is particularly true when you try to sell your idea to a bigger group.



Knowing that you are going to have a hundred, for example, people to listen to your new idea, then you should find out why these people want to attend to your presentation. What do they have in mind? You have to prepare your work in very much detail in order to show your audience you take care of their concerns. You take care of their uniqueness.



You also have to understand, with different personalities, different backgrounds, different experience, there are people who always prepare to oppose your idea. It doesn’t mean they are your enemy. In fact, you have to win them over to your side. You have to find out exactly why they oppose your idea, and why they want to reject it.



I am sure when you think of the idea, you believe it’s excellent. It will solve the problem. Then you wonder why they reject it. Don’t they want a solution? Of course, they want. But the problem is their background, their experience and also what they believe. So you would have to work around that. All these problems, all these personal preferences, all these issues, we will deal with them in the next tutorial.



Look forward to it! Yes!



The third tip is to do the analysis and find all the facts. Facts and analysis are useful ammunition for us to support our argument, to support the fact thatthere is a need for such an innovative idea.



Let me give you an example. If you want to develop a non-invasive blood glucose monitor if you tell your audience that this monitor is going to be very useful for many many people. This will give the audience the room to think what you mean by many many people, a hundred, a hundred thousand or a hundred million? For the audience, you have to think about that and different audience will have different results.



It’s very difficult to ensure that everyone will support your idea. What we do is you find the facts, for this particular case, from health authorities such as the World Health Organization. You tell the audience there are 10% of the population in this world, who have diabetes. Out of this 10%, many of them are type 1diabetes and the rest of them are type 2. We all know, be it type 1 or type 2, they have to monitor their blood glucose regularly. This means they would use this monitor. If the audience hear that 10% of the world population will use the monitor, then they can see the reason why you want them to support your idea of having a non-invasive blood glucose monitor.



We are all influenced by the opinions of this.



Yes, that’s why it’s so difficult.



Yes, I can’t agree more.



The fourth tip is to make the life of those you are going to affect by the new idea easier.



You must remember that having worked in the environment for a while, we feel very safe, very secure, very comfortable. This is what we call the comfort zone. People don’t want to leave their comfort zone. They want to continue to do whatever they have been doing for the last ten, twenty or thirty years. So you are going to introduce a new concept, you must explain to them what is the new concept about in terms of their work.



Here is an example. You are going to ask a manager to do something new. But the manager has tosolicit the support from his or her boss. Then normally he or she would write the email in order to explain to the boss. If you want to make the manager’s life easier, then you will write the email for him or for her, so that all he or she needs to do is just change a few words, and then submit the email to the boss. Although it sounds simple, and you may think that it’s not difficult. Why can’t the manager do it? The key point is to make life easier for the manager. Similarly, any changes you expect to happen, tell the person that is going to be affected and so that some kinds of allocation and reallocation can be done. This always happens. Everyone has a list of work they need to do. If possible, incorporate the additional work into the job they have been doing for the last ten or twenty years.



Yes,then life would be easier for them.



I should know this before. Now I have known what has gone wrong.



Luckily, I don’t have this experience.






The fifth tip is to secure support from the audience. This is very important because as I mentioned before, there may be people who would like to oppose your idea. In order tounderstand why they oppose your idea, we need to know them. It’s very useful to involve as many audience as possible at the beginning of your work.



For example, youare going tobuild a castle. Then all you have to do is to find out who’s going to live in this castle, and who’s going to use the castle for their purposes. If you know them, involve them in the design in the early stage. They may not contribute as much as you would like, but at least, they have participated. They feel they are involved. If you are successful, they can share your credit. If you are not successful, they won’t discredit you. They won’tsay that it’syour fault, but they will feel that they have the obligation to help you. So this will make your journey much easier to manage.



Last but not the least, you have tofigure out the “so what” and “now what”. Theso whatmeans that you need to explain it to the audience what does your idea do. This is particularly important when your audience has a problem to solve. Soexplain to them what does your solution do to the problem. After you have done that, then you have to explain to them, now what, because they will expect that they have to do something. It would be terrific if you don’t have to ask them to do any work, but highly likely that would not to be the case. If you want them to do something in order to move forward, you have to explain to them. This is the now what.



Bearing in mind, not every idea will take off and become excellent. Some ideas may not work at all. Be prepared to get feedback from the audience. If it doesn’t work out, revisit the idea from the beginning to see where has gone wrong. Once you have found out where it has gone wrong, you can work on it and develop another idea. Hopefully, you can address the issues of their concern.



Well, it’s time for you to do your exercise. Go back to your group and start to sell your idea to the team. I hope you will have a successful journey. Have a happy time!



Thank you!


返回《Innovation and Creative Thinking (创新与创意思维)》慕课在线视频列表

Innovation and Creative Thinking (创新与创意思维)课程列表:

1. Introduction to Innovation and Creativity (介绍创新与创意)

-Creativity and Innovation

2.Introduction to Challenge Based Learning(介绍以挑战为本的学习)

-Assessment: Challenge Based Learning

3. Creative Problem Solving (创造性解决问题)

-Creative Problem Solving

4. Idea Generation (产生想法)

-Idea Generation

-Problem Framing(问题框架)

5. Strategies, Guidelines and Tools For Idea Generation(培养方法的策略、指引和工具)

-Identifying Why People May Oppose Your Ideas(明确人们反对你想法的原因)

6. Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas

-The Process of Planning the Presentation (汇报的计划过程)

-Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas(让他人对你的想法感到积极的方法)

7. Solution Identification and Implementation (方案的确认和实施)

-Solution identification and implementation

8. Solution Identifying and Appraising and Outcome Evaluation(方案的确认、评价和效果评估)

-Solution appraisal and evaluation (方案的评价和审核)

9. Creative Solution (有创意的方案)

-Case study: Telehealth and telecare Initiative (远程医疗和远程照护的首创)

-Case study: Acu-magnetic therapeutic for knee osteoarthritis(磁疗护膝治疗膝骨关节炎)

10. Change and Innovation (改变和创新)

-Change and Innovation

11. Measures of Creativity and Creative Thinking (创意的评估)

-Measures of creativity and creative thinking

12. Creative Thinking in Everyday Life (创意思维在日常生活中的应用)

-Creative thinking in everyday life1

-Creative thinking in everyday life 2

13. Case Study (Selective)个案研究(选学)

-Case study: Making Crispy Vegetables(制作酥脆蔬菜)

-Tutorial: How To Sell Your Ideas To Others(如何向他人推销你的想法)

-Case Study: Heart Rate Variability (心率变异性)

-Case Study: sleep apnoea(睡眠呼吸暂停)

-Case study: sleep apnoea (continued)

-Case Study: Making special fabric (编织特殊织物)

-Case Study: Keep-fit formula for Children (学童Keep-Fit方程式)

Ways To Get Others To Feel Positive About Your Ideas(让他人对你的想法感到积极的方法)笔记与讨论


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