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Suggestions for Reducing Stress
Well, I’ll talk about a few suggestions for reducing stress without you having to change your job.
First, vary your diet, fish, pasta, vegetables, fruit and so on. Try not to live off sandwiches and fast food. A balanced diet, in other words. Also we tend to drink too much coffee. Caffeine, the drug in coffee gets us more nervous. So if you want to feel less stressed, drink less coffee. It’s tough at first, but you’ll notice the difference within just a few days.
Finally, take regular exercise. It’s a great way of relaxing. And of course, it makes you more healthy too.
For a particular cause of stress. There are various things you can do. If your problem is that you think you've got too much work on your plate, what you probably need to do is manage time better. You have to learn to deal with the things which are really vital. Don't waste time on trivialities. There are courses to help you with this.
If you are worried about unemployment, make plans so that if it happens you are ready for it. Do things like set money aside and update your CV, so it’s attractive to new employers. As for new technologies, do gaining courses so that you feel at home with them, and so that you don't feel frightened of them.
So in the end, the best way to deal with stress is for you to take control of your life and not allow yourself to be a victim of circumstances.
-1.1 翻译定义、口译定义
-1.2 口译特征、质量标准、过程
-1.3 口译类型、口译模式
-1.4 译员要求、口译培训
-第一章 口译概述--第一章测验
-2.1 语言准备
--2.1 语言准备
-2.2 知识准备
--2.2 知识准备
-2.3 心理准备
--2.3 心理准备
-第二章 口译准备--第二章测验
-3.1 听辨语音信息
-3.2 辨识主题思想
-3.3 推理语义信息
-第三章 口译听辨与理解--第三章测验
-4.1 记忆理论概述
-4.2 口译记忆训练方法
-第四章 口译记忆--第四章测验
-5.1 口译笔记相关知识
-5.2 怎样记口译笔记
-5.3 口译笔记演示
-第五章: 口译笔记--第五章测验
-6.1 点线记录法
-6.2 小数点记录法
-6.3 缩略法、表格法
-6.4 倍数的口译
-6.5 约数的口译
-第六章 数字口译--第六章测验
-7.1 口译表达的内容(上)
-7.2 口译表达的内容(下)
-7.3 口译表达的形式(上)
-7.4 口译表达的形式(下)
-第七章 口译表达--第七章测验
-8.1 视译的定义
-8.2 视译的基本原则(1)
-8.3 视译的基本原则(2)
-第八章 视译--第八章测验