Culture and Tourism

This course mainly focuses on Cultural Heritage Tourism and provides a broad-based interdisciplinary training.Welcome to our course!


Culture and Tourism课程:前往报名学习

Culture and Tourism视频慕课课程简介:

This course mainly focuses on Cultural Heritage Tourism and provides a broad-based interdisciplinary training.Welcome to our course!


Culture and Tourism课程列表:


Week 1: Cultural Tourism: Definitions and Concepts

-1.1 Introduction course outline and UNESCO World Heritage Program

--1.1.1 Introduction of culture and tourism course outline

--1.1.2 Introduction of UNESCO World Heritage Program(1)

--1.1.3 Introduction of UNESCO World Heritage Program(2)

-1.2 Cultural Heritage-1

--1.2.1 The meaning of culture heritage

--1.2.2 Criterion(i): masterpiece of human creative genius

--1.2.3 Criterion(ii): exhibit important interchange of human value

--1.2.4 Criterion(iii): bear a unique or at least exceptional testimony

--How can the public understand the importance of heritage?

-1.3 Cultural Heritage-2

--1.3.1 Criterion(iv): an outstanding example in human history

--1.3.2 Criterion(v): represent a culture or human interaction with environment

--1.3.3 Criterion(vi): associated with living traditions of outstanding universal significance

-1.4 Natural Heritage

--1.4.1 Natural heritage features, formations and criterions

--1.4.2 Cases studies of natural heritage

--Cultural landscape meanings: The case of West Lake, Hangzhou, China

--How to access heritage of your hometown?

Week 2: Mixed Heritage and Cultural Heritage Categories

-2.1 Mixed Culture and Natural Heritage

--2.1.1 Mixed heritage operational guidelines and cases (1)

--2.1.2 Mixed heritage operational guidelines and cases (2)

--2.1.3 Mixed heritage operational guidelines and cases(3)

-2.2 Authenticity, Integrity and Cultural Routes

--2.2.1 How to determine authenticity and integrity

--2.2.2 Heritage routes and heritage canals (1)

--2.2.3 Heritage routes and heritage canals (2)

--What do you think about cultural heritage categories?

-2.3 Special Heritage and Sustainable

--2.3.1 Physical remains of the history of technology and industry

--2.3.2 Transboundary Heritage, Serial Heritage, Serial/Transnational Heritage

--2.3.3 Intangible cultural heritage

--2.3.4 UNESCO World Heritage and Sustainable Tourism Programme

--Recovering the Memory of Ourselves for the Sustainable Cites

--Week 2 quiz

--What do you think about cultural heritage categories?

Week 3: Heritage System: Managing and Safeguarding World Heritage Sites

-3.1 The Australia’s Heritage System and Sydney Opera House

--3.1.1 The Australian Heritage System

--3.1.2 Case Study: The Sydney Opera House

-3.2 Role of the ISCCL and Cultural Landscape (1)

--3.2.1 Role of the ISCCL

--3.2.2 Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park

--3.2.3 Honghe Hani Rice Terraces

-3.3 Role of the ISCCL and Cultural Landscape (2)

--3.3.1 West Lake cultural landscape (1)

--3.3.2 West Lake cultural landscape (2)

-3.4 Rural Landscapes as Heritage

--3.4.1 ISCCL Principles Concerning Rural Landscapes as Heritage

--Article: ICOMOS Statutes

-3.5 Case Study: Mongolian Altai

--3.5.1 Nature Culture Integration & the Mongolian Altai(1)

--3.5.2 Nature Culture Integration & the Mongolian Altai(2)

--Week 3 quiz

--Discussion: What do you think is the role of ISCCL?

Week 4: Cultural Landscapes: Meanings, Values, Assessment, Documentation

-4.1 Introduction of the Meaning of 'landscape’

--4.1.1 Brief introduction of landscape and culture

--4.1.2 The conceptual framework of cultural landscape

-4.2 Landscape Values

--4.2.1 The word “landscape” itself and differences in Western, Eastern

--4.2.2 Cultural significance for heritage source

--Discussion: What do you think the cultural landscape attracts you?

-4.3 Reading the Landscape: Identification and Assessment

--4.3.1 Planning model for heritage conservation management policy

--4.3.2 Cultural landscape resources evaluation steps

--Article: Cultural mapping: Intangible values and engaging with communities with some reference to As

-4.4 Case Study: Wingecarribee Historic Landscape

--4.4.1 Case study:Wingecarribee historic landscape study(1)

--4.4.2 Case study:Wingecarribee historic landscape study(2)

--Week 4 quiz

--Discussion: What should we do to strengthen the protection of cultural landscape?

Week 5: Sustainable Indigenous Tourism

-5.1 Indigenous Tourism

--5.1.1 Indigenous tourism background

--5.1.2 World heritage and indigenous peoples

--5.1.3 Tourism issues at Canadian indigenous world heritage sites

--Discussion: What challenges indigenous World Heritage faces?

--Article: State conceptions of indigenous tourism in Chile

-5.2 Case Study and Conclusion: Great Expectations for Tourism

--5.2.1 Case study Pimachiowin Aki

--5.2.2 Conclusions:Great Expectations for Tourism

--Disussion: Do you have any experience of indigenous tourism?

--Week 5 quiz

Week 6: Affect and Emotion in Heritage Tourism

-6.1 The Definition of Heritage in Heritage Performance Study

--6.1.1 The definition of heritage in heritage performance study

--6.1.2 Heritage performance and meaning making

--6.1.3 Two key issues emerging from qualitative study

-6.2 Heritage Performance - Evidence from Australia, England and USA

--6.2.1 Heritage performance - reinforcement

--6.2.2 Heritage Performance - inter-generational communication and social values

--6.2.3 Heritage performance - recognition and respect

--6.2.4 Heritage performance - education

--Article:Theorizing museum and heritage visiting

-6.3 The Conclusion of Heritage Performance

--6.3 The conclusion of heritage performance

--Week 6 quiz

--Discussion: What kinds of heritage performances have you learned in this week?

--Final discussion and reflection

Culture and Tourism开设学校:南开大学

Culture and Tourism授课教师:


张柔然,南开大学旅游与服务学院讲师,澳大利亚国立大学博士,天津市131创新型人才培养工程培养对象。研究方向为世界遗产规划管理、遗产旅游。他担任国际古迹遗址理事会—国际风景园林师联合会文化景观科学委员会青年委员,国际古迹遗址理事会文化旅游科学委员会青年委员。他作为中国代表参与国际古迹遗址理事会(ICOMOS)与世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)合作项目“文化-自然之旅”项目,并参与制定两份国际文件。他在权威SSCI期刊发表论文三篇,中文核心期刊论文数十篇,多次主持和参与国际会议并发表学术演讲。主持国家自然基金青年项目、天津市哲学社科项目各一项。2017年起受联合国教科文组织委托翻译并出版《历史城镇管理》等四本专著。他的英文专著《Chinese Heritage and Their Audiences:the Power of the Past》即将在2020年由英国著名出版社Routledge出版。


  1. Culture and Tourism(2021秋)

  2. 研究生课程思政示范课(2021秋)

  3. 财富密码与财商思维(2021秋)

  4. 建筑工程量清单计价(2021秋)

  5. 复合材料力学-从基础到应用(2021秋)

  6. 数学分析III(2021秋)

  7. 学在南哲:哲学与哲人(2021秋)

  8. 医用物理学(2021秋)

  9. 水工建筑物(2021秋)

  10. Simultaneous Interpreting(Round 2)

  11. 武术(2021秋)

  12. 民族居住环境与传续设计(2021秋)

  13. 科学计算与数学建模(2021秋)

  14. 欧盟经济(2021秋)

  15. 大学化学(2021秋)

  16. 高等化工热力学(下)(2021秋)

  17. 创新创业基础(2021秋)

  18. 毕业论文写作(2021秋)

  19. 水利水电工程概论(2021秋)

  20. 三江源生态(2021秋)
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