This course generally introduce basic principles, process engineering and design procedure related to Production Engineering. The study on this course will give you idea on problems such as how crude oil be exploited effectively and how its quality be improved.
This course generally introduce basic principles, process engineering and design procedure related to Production Engineering. The study on this course will give you idea on problems such as how crude oil be exploited effectively and how its quality be improved.
-1.1 Main Tasks of Production Engineering
--1.1 Main Tasks of Production Engineering
-1.2 Flow in Production System
--1.2 Flow in Production System
--Chapter 1 - Problems
-2.1 IPR Curve and Well Productivity
--2.1.1 Single-Phase Oil Inflow Performance Relationships
-2.2 Vogel's IPR and Applications
--2.2.2 Determination of IPR Curves Using Vogel's Equation
--2.2.3 Skin Factor and Flow Efficiency
--2.2.4 Extension of Vogel's Equation for Non-Complete Wells
--2.2.5 Combination Single-Phase Liquid and Two-Phase Flow
--Chapter 2--Problems
-3.1 Two-Phase Flow in Wellbore
--3.1.1 Flow Regimes in Vertical Flow
-3.2 Two-Phase Vertical Flow Pressure Gradient Models
--3.2.1 Two-Phase Pressure Gradient Equations
--3.2.2 Predicting Gas-Liquid Flow Regimes Using the Okiszewski Correlation
--3.2.3 Pressure Gradient Calculation Using the Okiszewski Correlation
-3.3 Vertical Lift Performance
--3.3 Vertical Lift Performance
--Chapter 3--Problems
-4.1 Nodal Analysis Approach
--4.1.2 Solution Node at Bottom of Well
--4.1.3 Solution Node at Wellhead
-4.2 Flow through Chokes
--4.2.2 Solution Node at Choke
--Chapter 4--Problems
-5.1 Principles of Gas Lift
--5.1.2 Initial Kick-off of Gas Lift
-5.2 Gas Lift Valves and Gas Lift Completions
-5.3 Gas Lift Design
--5.3.1 Gas Lift Design for Specific Production Rate
--5.3.2 Gas Lift Design for Specific Injection Rate
--5.3.3 Kick-off Procedure with Unloading Valves
--5.3.4 Design Depths of Unloading Valves
--Chapter 5--Problems
-6.1 Introduction of Surface and Downhole Equipment
-6.2 Operating Principle of Sucker Rod Pumps
-6.3 Pumping Unit Kinematics
--6.3.1 Motion of Polished Rod-Simple Harmonic Motion
--6.3.2 Motion of Polished Rod-Crank and Pitman Motion
-6.4 Polished Rod Load
--6.4.3 Peak Polished Rod Load and Minimum Polished Rod Load
--Problems for chapter 6: Sucker Rod pumping I
-6.5 Calculation of Counterbalancing, Torque and Power
--6.5.1 Balance of Pumping Unit
--6.5.2 Counterbalancing Calculation
--6.5.3 Torque and Torque Factor
-6.6 Volumetric Efficiency of Pump
--6.6.2 Gas Effect on Pump Performance
--6.6.3 Measures of Enhancing Pump Volumetric Efficiency
-6.7 Design of Pumping System
--6.7.1 Strength Calculation and Design of Sucker Rod Strings
--6.7.2 Design Procedures of Pumping System
-6.8 Analysis of Sucker Rod Pumping Well Conditions
--6.8.1 Acoustic Surveys and Analysis of Annular Liquid Levels
--6.8.2 Introduction of Dynamometer Card
--6.8.3 Typical Dynamometer Cards
--Problems: Chapter 6: Sucker Rod Pumping (II)
-7.1 Water Injection System
--7.1.1 Water Resources and Water Treatment
--7.1.2 Introduction of Water Injection System
-7.2 Injectivity Analysis
--7.2.1 Injectivity and Injectivity Index Curves
-7.3 Injection Tubing String
--7.3 Introduction of Injection Tubing Strings
-7.4 Analysis and Application of Injectivity Index Curves
--7.4.1 Analysis of Injectivity Index Curves
--7.4.2 Injection Choke Deployment
--Chapter 7--Problems
-8.0 Introduction
-8.1 The Fracturing of Reservoir Rock
--8.1.1 Basic Rock Mechanics Parameters
--8.1.4 Fracture Initiation Conditions
--Chapter 8(I)--Problems
-8.2 Fracturing Fluids
--8.2.2 Fluid-Loss Properties of Fracturing Fluids
--8.2.3 Rheological Properties of Fracturing Fluids
-8.3 Proppants
-8.4 Hydraulic Fracturing Design
--8.4.1 Productivity Index of Hydraulic Fracturing Wells
--8.4.2 Fracture Geometry Models
--8.4.3 Design Procedure for Hydraulic Fracturing
--Chapter 8(II)--Problems
-9.0 Introduction
-9.1 Carbonate Acidizing
--9.1.1 Mechanism of Carbonate Acidizing
--9.1.2 Effect Factors of Reaction Rate
--9.1.4 Effective Distance of Live Acid
-9.2 Sandstone Acidizing
--9.2.1 Mechanism of Sandstone Acidizing
--9.2.2 Mud Acid Treatment Design
-9.3 Acidizing Treatment Technologies
--9.3.2 Acidizing Treatment Operations
--Chapter 9--Problems
-Final Exam
王雷,博士,讲师,硕士生导师。 2009年美国德州农工大学访问学者一年。国家级精品课和国家级精品资源共享课"采油工程"教学团队骨干成员。主讲《采油工程》、《油气藏经营管理》课程。曾获省部级科技成果一等奖奖励1项。