Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine

There is an ancient saying in China: if you want to be a qualified parent, you need to know something about TCM; if you want to be a filial child, you should know something about TCM as well. It is better to know some knowledge of TCM rather than to make friends with doctors. This course aims to give you an understanding of the principles of Chinese medicine and the appropriate Chinese medicine diagnosis method. In addition, it lets you know how to use TCM to take care of yourself and your family.


Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine课程:前往报名学习

Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine视频慕课课程简介:

There is an ancient saying in China: if you want to be a qualified parent, you need to know something about TCM; if you want to be a filial child, you should know something about TCM as well. It is better to know some knowledge of TCM rather than to make friends with doctors. This course aims to give you an understanding of the principles of Chinese medicine and the appropriate Chinese medicine diagnosis method. In addition, it lets you know how to use TCM to take care of yourself and your family.


Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine课程列表:


Week 1 Introduction

-Introductory remark

--Introductory remark

--QQ groups、WeChat public account



--【Discussion 1】Why do you want to take this course?

-Unit test for Introduction

Week 1 Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine 1:Yin-Yang and Five Elements Theory

-1.1 Yin-yang theory

--1.1 Yin-yang theory

-1.2 The theory of five elements

--1.2.1 The theory of five elements

--1.2.2 Application of the theory of five elements

-Frequently Asked Questions

--Frequently Asked Questions

-Unit test for week 1

Week 2 Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine 2:Zang-Fu Theory

-2.0 Outline

--2.0 Outline

--【Discussion 2】How to understand the holistic view centered on the Zang Fu theory?

-2.1 Liver

--2.1 Liver

--【Discussion 3】Why is repose more important than vigorous exercise in recuperation for patients with

-2.2 Heart

--2.2 Heart

-2.3 Spleen

--2.3 Spleen

-2.4 Lung

--2.4 Lung

-2.5 Kidney

--2.5 Kidney

-2.6 Six fu organs

--2.6 Six fu organs

-Frequently Asked Questions

--Frequently Asked Questions

-Unit test for week 2

Week 3 Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine 3:Qi,Blood and Body Fluid Theory

-3.1 Qi

--3.1 Qi

-3.2 Blood

--3.2 Blood

-3.3 Body fluid

--3.3 Body fluid

-3.4 The relationship of qi, blood and body fluid

--3.4 The relationship of qi, blood and body fluid

--【Discussion 4】A discussion about the theory of qi, blood and body fluid

-Frequently Asked Questions

--Frequently Asked Questions

-Unit test for week 3

Week 4 Basic Theory of Chinese Medicine 4: The theory of etiologic factor

-4.0 Outline

--4.0 Outline

-4.1 Six exogenous factors

--4.1.1 Six exogenous factors

--4.1.2 Nature and pathogenicity of wind and cold

--4.1.3 Nature and pathogenicity of summer heat and damp

--4.1.4 Nature and pathogenicity of dryness and fire

-4.2 Etiology of visceral impairment

--4.2 Etiology of visceral impairment

-Frequently Asked Questions

--Frequently Asked Questions

-Unit test for week 4

Week 5 Diagnosis methods: Inquiry (1)

-5.0 Outline of inquiry

--5.0.1 Outline of inquiry(1)

--5.0.2 Outline of inquiry(2)

--【Discussion 5】If you were a patient, how would you describe your condition to your doctor first?

-5.1 Inquiry of Chills and fever

--5.1.1 Chills and fever(Aversion to cold with fever)

--5.1.2 Chills and fever(Chills without fever)

--5.1.3 Chills and fever(Fever without chills)

--5.1.4 Chills and fever(Alternative chills and fever)

--【Discussion 6】How to understand "if you have clinical manifestations of cold, that is exterior syndr

-5.2 Inquiry of perspiration

--5.2 Inquiry of perspiration

-Frequently Asked Questions

--Frequently Asked Questions

-Unit test for week 5

Week 6 Diagnosis methods: Inquiry (2)

-5.3 Inquiring of pain

--5.3 Inquiring of pain

--【Discussion 7】How to understand "stagnation leading to pain and innourish leading to pain"?

-5.4 Inquiring of head, body, thorax and abdomen

--5.4 Inquiring of head, body, thorax and abdomen

-5.5 Inquiring of ears and eyes

--5.5 Inquiring of ears and eyes

-5.6 Inquiring of sleep

--5.6 Inquiring of sleep

-5.7 Inquiring of food and drink, appetite and taste

--5.7 Inquiring of food and drink, appetite and taste

-5.8 Inquiring of defecation and urination

--5.8.1 Inquiring of defecation

--5.8.2 Inquiring of urination

-5.9 Inquiring of infantile and women's disease

--5.9 Inquiring of infantile and women's disease

-Unit test for week 6

Week 7 Diagnosis methods: Observation (1)

-6.0 Outline of Observation

--6.0 Outline of Observation

--【Discussion 8】Please use the whole body inspection (including the expression, complexion and figure)

-6.1.1 Observation of vitality

--6.1.1 Observation of vitality

-6.1.2 Observation of the color

-- The content, principles of inspection of the color

-- Indication of diseases by five colors

--【Discussion 9】How do you understand the normal complexion of a normal people?

-6.1.3 Observation of the appearance

--6.1.3 Observation of the appearance

-6.1.4 Observation of figure and posture

--6.1.4 Observation of figure and posture

-Unit test for week 7

Week 8 Diagnosis methods: Observation (2)

-6.2.1 Observation of head and face

--6.2.1 Observation of head and face

-6.2.2 Observation of five sensory organs

-- of five sensory organs(observation of eyes,ears,nose)

-- of five sensory organs(observation of lips,teeth and gums,throat)

-6.2.3 Observation of body

--6.2.3 Observation of body

-6.2.4 Observation of limbs

--6.2.4 Observation of limbs

-6.2.5 Observation of two lower orifices

--6.2.5 Observation of two lower orifices

-6.2.6 Observation of skin

--6.2.6 Observation of skin

-6.3 Observation of excreta

--6.3 Observation of excreta

-6.4 Observation of infantile fingerprints

--6.4 Observation of infantile fingerprints

-Frequently Asked Questions

--Frequently Asked Questions

-Unit test for week 8

Week 9 Diagnosis methods: Inspection of tongue

-7.1 Outline of tongue inspection

--7.1.1 The morphology and structure of the tongue

--7.1.2 The principle of tongue examination

--7.1.3 The method and precaution of tongue examination

--7.1.4 The content of tongue examination, normal tongue

-7.2 Inspection of tongue structure

--7.2.1 Observe the color of tongue

--7.2.2 Observe the shape of tongue

--7.2.3 Observe the states of tongue

--7.2.4 Observation of sublingual vein

-7.3 Observation of tongue coating

--7.3.1 Observation of coating texture

--7.3.2 Observe the color of coating

-7.4 Clinical significance of tongue diagnosis

--7.4 Clinical significance of tongue diagnosis

--【Discussion 10】Why to observe the tongue can be used to diagnose disease?

-Unit test for week 9

Week 10 Diagnosis methods::Pulse examination

-8.1 The principle of pulse examination

--8.1 The principle of pulse examination

-8.2 The regions and methods of pulse examination

--8.2 The regions and methods of pulse examination

-8.3 The elements of pulse examination and the normal pulse

--8.3 The elements of pulse examination and the normal pulse

-8.4 Characteristics and significance of pulse

--8.4.1 Superficial pulse, deep pulse, slow pulse, rapid pulse

--8.4.2 Surging pulse, thin pulse, long pulse, short pulse

--8.4.3 Feeble pulse, forceful pulse, slippery pulse, uneven

--8.4.4 Taut pulse, tense pulse,soggy pulse, moderate pulse

--8.4.5 Knotted, slow-regular-intermittent, irregularly abrupt

-8.5 Similar pulse, concurrent pulse, pulse indicating deterioration of visceral qi۞

--8.5 Similar pulse, concurrent pulse, pulse indicating deterioration of visceral qi۞

--【Discussion 11】Why is complex pulse more common than single-factor pulse?

-8.6 Women’s pulse, children’s pulse

--8.6 Women’s pulse, children’s pulse

-8.7 The clinical significance of pulse diagnosis

--8.7 The clinical significance of pulse diagnosis

-Unit test for week 10

Week 11 Diagnosis methods:Listening and smelling examination

-9.1 Listening

--9.1 Listening

-9.2.1 Abnormal sound

--9.2.1 Abnormal sound

-9.2.2 Abnormal language

--9.2.2 Abnormal language

-9.2.3 Respiratory abnormality

--9.2.3 Respiratory abnormality

-9.2.4 Cough

--9.2.4 Cough

--【Discussion 12】How to observe the patient's cough sound and sputum changes to determine whether the

-9.2.5 Abnormal sounds of the stomach and intestines

--9.2.5 Abnormal sounds of the stomach and intestines

-9.3 Smelling

--9.3 Smelling

--【Discussion 13】How to diagnose by smelling?

-Unit test for week 11

Week 12 Diagnosis methods:Palpation

-10.1 The method, meaning and precautions of palpation

--10.1 The method, meaning and precautions of palpation

-10.2 Contents of palpation

--10.2.1 Palpating chest and hypochondrium

--10.2.2 Palpating stomach and abdomen

--10.2.3 Palpating skin

--10.2.4 Palpating hands and feet, palpating acupoints

--【Discussion 14】How to determine whether external or internal injuries?

-Unit test for week 12




Final Exam

-Final Exam

--Final Exam

Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine开设学校:暨南大学

Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine授课教师:


孙立,男,博士,暨南大学中医学院教授,硕士研究生导师。国家精品在线开放课程《中医与诊断-学做自己的医生》MOOC和国家级虚拟仿真项目主持人。广东省医学会医学历史学分会副主任委员,广东省中西医结合学会虚证与老年病专业委员会副主任委员,暨南大学信息技术与教学融合教师发展促进会会长,广东中医师承教育研究中心副主席。 曾获暨南大学优秀教师称号、本科教学校长奖以及暨南大学医学院优秀个人奖;获广东省第一届高校青年教师教学基本功大赛三等奖以及中华医学会医学教育分会第二届青年教师教学基本功大赛二等奖;互动混合学习模式获全国高校教育技术会议优秀应用案例一等奖、高校在线MOOC联盟联席会案例一等奖、全国教师教育教学信息文化交流活动高教案例一等奖以及中华医学会教育技术分会优秀论文一等奖及暨南大学第七届教学成果一等奖。主讲制作的《中医与诊断》慕课和《中医诊断标准化病人虚拟仿真》实验,分别被教育部评为2017年首批国家精品在线开放课程和2018年国家级虚拟仿真项目。






薛飞飞,女,博士,暨南大学中医学院副教授。 全国第六批名老中医学术继承人,中国中西医结合学会诊断专业委员会委员,也是广东省中西医结合学会转化医学专业委员会委员。博士毕业于北京中医药大学中医诊断学专业。主讲《中医诊断学》,《中医辨证学》、《中医各家学说》等多门中医课程。主持国家基金和省基金的7项,并发表了20多篇论文。主要研究方向是中医证候的标准化和客观化。




  1. 工业清洁生产原理与方法(2021秋)

  2. Molecular Medicine Techniques(Round 1)

  3. 运动生理学(2021秋)

  4. 游戏概论(2021秋)

  5. 涉农创业实务(2021秋)

  6. 学术论文写作与表达(2021秋)

  7. Advancing Molecular Imaging(Round 2)

  8. 旅游交际礼仪(2021秋)

  9. 企业破产法(2021秋)

  10. Compilers Techniques(Round 2)

  11. Diagnostics in Chinese Medicine(Round 2)

  12. 固体废物处理与处置(2021秋)

  13. 美国药品医疗器械监管概述(2021秋)

  14. English Novel Reading(Round 2)

  15. 心理学之旅(2021暑假班)

  16. 统计计算(2021秋)

  17. Functional Materials(Round 2)

  18. 艺术设计基础(构成)(2021秋)

  19. English Comprehensive Ability Promotion (IELTS)(Round 2)

  20. 数字信号处理(2021秋)
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