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Chapter 4 Part 1课程教案、知识点、字幕

Hello everyone I am Jian Yanhong

from Capital Medical University

Now we are going to talk about Chapter Four

Visualizing and Preparing the Presentation

Upon completion of this chapter you are expected to

know the variety and functions of visual aids

pick proper visual aids for effective presentation

and make effective PowerPoint for an academic conference

Part One Functions of Visual Aids

Visualizing speeches and presentations has a long history

and the tools to assist talking

experienced a variety of changes

from white or black boards artefacts flip charts

paper handouts to videos screen sheets to PowerPoint and Prezi

Visual aids are chosen depending on their purposes

for example you may want to

Summarise information

Save words

Clarify and show examples

Add power to your spoken words

Make a point memorable

Enhance your credibility

Engage the audience

Achieve easier understanding

To create a passing presentation

you need to demonstrate design skills

technical literacy and a sense of personal style

A spoken presentation can be well rehearsed

but a bad visual experience can ruin it for the audience

So you'll never be too careful when visualize your presentation

Part Two

Proper Choice of Visual Aids

There are many types of visual aids

you are supposed to decide

which will suit your presentation and your audience

The first one is white/black boards

White or black boards can be very useful

to help explain the sequence of ideas or routines

particularly in the sciences

Use them to clarify your title

or to record your key points

as you introduce your presentation

Rather than expecting the audience

to follow your spoken description of an experiment or process

write each stage on the board

including any complex terminology

or precise references to help your audience take accurate notes


once you have written something on the board

you will either have to leave it there or rub it off

both can be distracting to your audience


to make sure your audience has taken down a reference

before rubbing it off

There is nothing more frustrating

than not being given enough time

Avoid leaving out-of-date material

from an earlier point of your presentation on the board

as this might confuse your audience

If you do need to write "live"

check that your audience can read your writing

Flip charts

A flip chart is a large pad of paper on a stand

It is a very useful and flexible way

of recording information during your presentation

You can even use pre-prepared sheets for key points

With flip charts, you can

Record information as you go along

Keep one main idea to each sheet

Flip back through the pad

to help you recap your main points

Use the turning of a page

to show progression from point to point

When using a flip chart

remember to make your writing clear and readable

and your diagrams as simple as possible

Paper handouts

Handouts are incredibly useful

Use a handout if your information

is too detailed to fit on a slide

or if you want your audience

to have a full record of your findings

Consider the merits of passing round your handouts

at the beginning

middle and the end of a presentation

Given too early they may prove a distraction

Given too late

your audience may have taken too many unnecessary notes

Given out in the middle

your audience will inevitably read rather than listen

One powerful way of avoiding these pitfalls

is to give out incomplete handouts at key stages

during your presentation

You can then highlight the missing details vocally

encouraging your audience to fill in the gaps


Videos give you a chance to show stimulating visual information

The following things should be paid attention to

Use video to bring movement

pictures and sound into your presentation

Always make sure

that the clip is directly relevant to your content

Tell your audience what to look for

Avoid showing any more film than you need

Artefacts or props

Sometimes it can be very useful

to use artefacts or props

when making a presentation

If you bring an artefact with you

make sure that the object can be seen

and be prepared

to pass round a small group

or move to different areas of a large room

to help your audience view it in detail

Remember that this will take time

and that when the audience is immersed

in looking at an object

they will find it hard to listen to your talk

Conceal large props until you need them

they might distract your audience's attention

Part Three

Effective PowerPoint

Since you've known several types of visual aids

which one suits your presentation

When you choose visual aids

you may choose one or more

but never forget the most powerful one


As regard to its convenience in use

and its compatibility of other visual aids

PowerPoint is probably now

the most commonly used form of visual aids

Effective PowerPoint may have the following main functions

To highlight new points with an appropriate image or phrase

As speech is transient

allowing no flash-back

how could the audience grasp

what the speakers intend to convey?

Of course PowerPoint

Just take a simple example

In a speech, what the audience hears may be

In China

the morbidity of hypertension is increasing year by year

Hypertension has three characteristics

high morbidity

high mortality and high disability rate


what is presented in the slide may be as follows

It is quite clear

which may retain longer in a person's memory

To support technical information

with clearly displayed data

During an academic speech

one of the most indispensable but indescribable part

may be the part to present the results

or the findings of a study with abundant data


presenters may offer handouts


could the audience follow the presenter by reading the handouts

Or will the pre-offered handouts devalue the speech

by distracting the audience from listening

PowerPoint will solve these problems

Look at the following slide

you'll see how powerful the PowerPoint is

in assisting presentation of data

Assisted by such a slide

the presenter will feel burden-free

to tell the audience his findings

while pointing to the highlighted areas with a laser pointer

To indicate sequence by linking points together

A logic presenter knows well to make his speech


so that all the correlated points are listed neatly

to achieve an easy reading by sequence

usually with a paralleled structure

To offer evidence from the research

To support the argument of the presenter

Evidence is not always spoken by the presenter

It needs to be seen with the audience's eyes

PowerPoint can provide the evidence with immediacy

when it is the proper time for them to see

To integrate other visual aids to serve the presenter

Just as mentioned the powerfulness of PowerPoint

lies in its "integrating capacity"

to involve in other visual aids

such as videos pictures even audios flashes etc

To sum up

PowerPoint can be a very powerful tool

to enhance the impact of your presentation

Words and images presented in different formats

can appeal directly to your audience's imagination

adding power to your speech

Used well

it can really help you in your presentation

used badly, however, it can have the opposite effect




Chapter 1 Understanding International Conferences

-Chapter 1


Chapter 2 Preparing for International Academic Conferences

-Chapter 2


Chapter 3 Writing a Conference Proposal

-Chapter 3


Chapter 4 Visualising and Preparing the Presentation

-Chapter 4 Part 1

-Chapter 4 Part 2

-Chapter 4 Part 3

-Chapter 4 Part 4

Chapter 5 Maintaining Proper Body Language

-Chapter 5 Part 1

-Chapter 5 Part 2


Chapter 6 Writing a Better Title

-Chapter 6


Chapter 7 Delivering Presentation

-Chapter 7 Part 1-1

-Chapter 7 Part 1-2

-Chapter 7 Part 2

-Chapter 7 Part 3-1

-Chapter 7 Part 3-2

-Chapter 7 Part 4

-Chapter 7 Part 5

Chapter 8 Describing Figures and Tables

-Chapter 8


Chapter 9 Handling Q&A session

-Chapter 9


Chapter 10 Chairing Meetings

-Chapter 10 Part 1

-Chapter 10 Part 2


Chapter 11 Making Posters

-Chapter 11 Part 1

-Chapter 11 Part 2


Chapter 12 Understanding Conference Etiquette

-Chapter 12 Part 1

-Chapter 12 Part 2

-Chapter 12 Part 3


Chapter 4 Part 1笔记与讨论


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