Five Disciplines of Management Quality and Ability —— Follow Me to Learn Management

Management is full of magical charm. Whether in our daily work or personal life, we need to master the theories and methods of management. Based on more than 20 years of management consulting and lecture experience, Professor Yongqing Xiong of Central South University uses a case-by-case approach to explain obscure management science in a concise manner. Students can not only master the basic principles and methods of management, but also improve their ability to analyze real management problems.


Five Disciplines of Management Quality and Ability —— Follow Me to Learn Management课程:前往报名学习

Five Disciplines of Management Quality and Ability —— Follow Me to Learn Management视频慕课课程简介:

Management is full of magical charm. Whether in our daily work or personal life, we need to master the theories and methods of management. Based on more than 20 years of management consulting and lecture experience, Professor Yongqing Xiong of Central South University uses a case-by-case approach to explain obscure management science in a concise manner. Students can not only master the basic principles and methods of management, but also improve their ability to analyze real management problems.


Five Disciplines of Management Quality and Ability —— Follow Me to Learn Management课程列表:


Course Introduction: Understanding Management and Management Science

-0.1 What is Management: The Secret of Management is to Borrow Resources

--0.1 What is Management: The Secret of Management is to Borrow Resources

--0.1 What is Management: The Secret of Management is to Borrow Resources

--0.1 What is Management: The Secret of Management is to Borrow Resources

-0.2 Natural Attribute and Social Attribute of Management

--0.2 Natural Attribute and Social Attribute of Management

--0.2 Natural Attribute and Social Attribute of Management

--0.2 Natural Attribute and Social Attribute of Management

-0.3 The Scientificity and Artistry of Management

--0.3 The Scientificity and Artistry of Management

--0.3 The Scientificity and Artistry of Management

--0.3 The Scientificity and Artistry of Management

-0.4 Management Functions, Skills and Roles

--0.4 Management Functions, Skills and Roles

--0.4 Management Functions, Skills and Roles

--0.4 Management Functions, Skills and Roles

-0.5 Case Study: Personal Excellence Doesn’t Mean Much

--0.5 Case Study: Personal Excellence Doesn’t Mean Much

--0.5 Case Study: Personal Excellence Doesn’t Mean Much

--0.5 Case Study: Personal Excellence Doesn’t Mean Much

-0.6 Centennial Management Context (Ⅰ)

--0.6 Centennial Management Context (Ⅰ)

--0.6 Centennial Management Context (Ⅰ)

--0.6 Centennial Management Context (Ⅰ)

-0.7 Centennial Management Context (Ⅱ)

--0.7 Centennial Management Context (Ⅱ)

--0.7 Centennial Management Context (Ⅱ)

--0.7 Centennial Management Context (Ⅱ)

-0.8 Case Study: Management Enlightenment of Journey to the West Team

--0.8 Case Study: Management Enlightenment of Journey to the West Team

--0.8 Case Study: Management Enlightenment of Journey to the West Team

--0.8 Case Study: Management Enlightenment of Journey to the West Team

-Course Introduction Unit Test

The First Discipline: Situation Judgement, Scientific Decision-making

-1.1 Insight into the General Trend of the Environment (Ⅰ): PEST Method

--1.1 Insight into the General Trend of the Environment (Ⅰ): PEST Method

--1.1 Insight into the General Trend of the Environment (Ⅰ): PEST Method

--1.1 Insight into the General Trend of the Environment (Ⅰ): PEST Method

-1.2 Insight into the General trend of the Environment (Ⅱ): Porter’s Five Forces Model

--1.2 Insight into the General trend of the Environment (Ⅱ): Porter’s Five Forces Model

--1.2 Insight into the General trend of the Environment (Ⅱ): Porter’s Five Forces Model

--1.2 Insight into the General trend of the Environment (Ⅱ): Porter’s Five Forces Model

-1.3 Case Study: How McDonald’s Entered Chinese Market

--1.3 Case Study: How McDonald’s Entered Chinese Market

--1.3 Case Study: How McDonald’s Entered Chinese Market

--1.3 Case Study: How McDonald’s Entered Chinese Market

-1.4 Strategic Decision Analysis Tools: SWOT Analysis and BCG Matrix

--1.4 Strategic Decision Analysis Tools: SWOT Analysis and BCG Matrix

--1.4 Strategic Decision Analysis Tools: SWOT Analysis and BCG Matrix

--1.4 Strategic Decision Analysis Tools: SWOT Analysis and BCG Matrix

-1.5 Group Decision-making Tools and Methods: Delphi Method and Brainstorming Method

--1.5 Group Decision-making Tools and Methods: Delphi Method and Brainstorming Method

--1.5 Group Decision-making Tools and Methods: Delphi Method and Brainstorming Method

--1.5 Group Decision-making Tools and Methods: Delphi Method and Brainstorming Method

-The First Unit Test

The Second Discipline: Positive Attitude, Efficient Execution

-2.1 Attitude Determines Everything

--2.1 Attitude Determines Everything

--2.1 Attitude Determines Everything

--2.1 Attitude Determines Everything

-2.2 The Components and Formation of Attitude

--2.2 The Components and Formation of Attitude

--2.2 The Components and Formation of Attitude

--2.2 The Components and Formation of Attitude

-2.3 How to Change the Attitude of Employees

--2.3 How to Change the Attitude of Employees

--2.3 How to Change the Attitude of Employees

--2.3 How to Change the Attitude of Employees

-2.4 Responsibility and Efficient Execution

--2.4 Responsibility and Efficient Execution

--2.4 Responsibility and Efficient Execution

--2.4 Responsibility and Efficient Execution

-2.5 Ethics and Core Values

--2.5 Ethics and Core Values

--2.5 Ethics and Core Values

--2.5 Ethics and Core Values

-The Second Unit Test

The Third Discipline: Efficient Organization, Excellent Culture

-3.1 Basic Issues in Organization

--3.1 Basic Issues in Organization

--3.1 Basic Issues in Organization

--3.1 Basic Issues in Organization

-3.2 How to Establish an Effective Organizational Structure (Ⅰ)

--3.2 How to Establish an Effective Organizational Structure (Ⅰ)

--3.2 How to Establish an Effective Organizational Structure (Ⅰ)

--3.2 How to Establish an Effective Organizational Structure (Ⅰ)

-3.3 How to Establish an Effective Organizational Structure (Ⅱ)

--3.3 How to Establish an Effective Organizational Structure (Ⅱ)

--3.3 How to Establish an Effective Organizational Structure (Ⅱ)

--3.3 How to Establish an Effective Organizational Structure (Ⅱ)

-3.4 Case Study: The Responsibility of the Sales Department

--3.4 Case Study: The Responsibility of the Sales Department

--3.4 Case Study: The Responsibility of the Sales Department

--3.4 Case Study: The Responsibility of the Sales Department

-3.5 Effective Communication Skills

--3.5 Effective Communication Skills

--3.5 Effective Communication Skills

--3.5 Effective Communication Skills

-3.6 Organizational Cultural Function and Content

--3.6 Organizational Cultural Function and Content

--3.6 Organizational Cultural Function and Content

--3.6 Organizational Cultural Function and Content

-3.7 Case Study: Resignation (Ⅰ)

--3.7 Case Study: Resignation (Ⅰ)

--3.7 Case Study: Resignation (Ⅰ)

--3.7 Case Study: Resignation (Ⅰ)

-3.8 Case Study: Resignation (Ⅱ)

--3.8 Case Study: Resignation (Ⅱ)

--3.8 Case Study: Resignation (Ⅱ)

--3.8 Case Study: Resignation (Ⅱ)

-The Third Discipline Unit Test

The Fourth Discipline: Staffing, Effective Motivation

-4.1 How to Recruit Good Staff

--4.1 How to Recruit Good Staff

--4.1 How to Recruit Good Staff

--4.1 How to Recruit Good Staff

-4.2 Motivate Employees’ Work Potential

--4.2 Motivate Employees’ Work Potential

--4.2 Motivate Employees’ Work Potential

--4.2 Motivate Employees’ Work Potential

-4.3 Content-based Incentive Theory (Ⅰ): Hierarchical Theory and ERG theory

--4.3 Content-based Incentive Theory (Ⅰ): Hierarchical Theory and ERG theory

--4.3 Content-based Incentive Theory (Ⅰ): Hierarchical Theory and ERG theory

--4.3 Content-based Incentive Theory (Ⅰ): Hierarchical Theory and ERG theory

-4.4 Content-based Incentive Theory (Ⅱ): Motivator-Hygiene Theory

--4.4 Content-based Incentive Theory (Ⅱ): Motivator-Hygiene Theory

--4.4 Content-based Incentive Theory (Ⅱ): Motivator-Hygiene Theory

--4.4 Content-based Incentive Theory (Ⅱ): Motivator-Hygiene Theory

-4.5 Process-based Incentive theory: Expectation Theory and Fairness Theory

--4.5 Process-based Incentive theory: Expectation Theory and Fairness Theory

--4.5 Process-based Incentive theory: Expectation Theory and Fairness Theory

--4.5 Process-based Incentive theory: Expectation Theory and Fairness Theory

-4.6 Behavioral Transformation Incentive Theory: Reinforcement Theory

--4.6 Behavioral Transformation Incentive Theory: Reinforcement Theory

--4.6 Behavioral Transformation Incentive Theory: Reinforcement Theory

--4.6 Behavioral Transformation Incentive Theory: Reinforcement Theory

-The Fourth Unit Test

The Fifth Discipline: Outstanding Leadership, Reform and Innovation

-5.1 The Essence and Tasks of Effective Leaders

--5.1 The Essence and Tasks of Effective Leaders

--5.1 The Essence and Tasks of Effective Leaders

--5.1 The Essence and Tasks of Effective Leaders

-5.2 Trait Theory of Leadership

--5.2 Trait Theory of Leadership

--5.2 Trait Theory of Leadership

--5.2 Trait Theory of Leadership

-5.3 Leadership Behavior Theory

--5.3 Leadership Behavior Theory

--5.3 Leadership Behavior Theory

--5.3 Leadership Behavior Theory

-5.4 Leadership Situation Theory

--5.4 Leadership Situation Theory

--5.4 Leadership Situation Theory

--5.4 Leadership Situation Theory

-5.5 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

--5.5 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

--5.5 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

--5.5 Innovation and Entrepreneurship

-5.6 Two New Trends of Innovation

--5.6 Two New Trends of Innovation

--5.6 Two New Trends of Innovation

--5.6 Two New Trends of Innovation

-The Fifth Unit Test

Final Exam

-Final Exam

Five Disciplines of Management Quality and Ability —— Follow Me to Learn Management开设学校:中南大学

Five Disciplines of Management Quality and Ability —— Follow Me to Learn Management授课教师:


熊勇清(主讲教师),中国工业经济学会常务理事、中国管理现代化研究会荣誉理事,中国战略管理学者学会常务理事,湖南系统工程与管理学会常务理事,湖南省人力资源管理学会理事、湖南省青年企业家协会顾问、中南大学商学院副院长(2006-2015),中南大学《管理学》《组织行为学》等课程首席教授。 近年主持国家自然科学基金(3项)、教育部人文社科规划基金、国家留学回国人员科研基金等项目20项,出版《管理学》《组织行为学》《管理学100年》等教材9部。 主讲的课程被评为国家精品在线开放课程、湖南省精品在线开放课程、湖南省研究生精品课程,获得全国高校创新创业教育“精彩一课” “中国电信天翼飞YOUNG”奖励金(教师类)、SME奖励金(教师类)等多项奖励。










  1. Five Disciplines of Management Quality and Ability —— Follow Me to Learn Management(Round 2)

  2. 动物仪器诊疗(2021秋)

  3. Intermediate Accounting II (中级财务会计II)(Round 2)

  4. 跨文化沟通(Round 1)

  5. 机械设计与创新(2021秋)

  6. 微软智能商业应用(2021秋)

  7. 化工流体流动与传热(2021秋)

  8. Fundamentals of Nursing(Round 2)

  9. Computer-Aided Drug Design(Round 2)

  10. Traditional Chinese Medicine · Acupuncture and Moxibustion(Round 2)

  11. 广播电视广告(实验)(2021秋)

  12. 陕西琵琶原创作品及平湖派名曲的演奏分析和艺术风格(2021暑假班)

  13. Guidance for Protection against COVID-19 for Staff and Students in Universities and Colleges(Round 2)

  14. 流体输送设备与操作(2021秋)

  15. 机械制图(2021秋)

  16. 医学信息素养(2021秋)

  17. 药事管理学(2021秋)

  18. 环境类专业野外实习与实践(2021秋)

  19. 中国传统文化英译技巧(2021秋)

  20. 创业私董会(2021秋)
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