Learn Statistics with Ease

Statistics is a highly practical subject.Statistics is a science that studies how to collect, sort out and analyze data. Its purpose is to explore the intrinsic quantitative regularity of objective things to form scientific cognition of things.It can not only endow students with basic statistical ideas, cultivate their interest in learning statistics. But also can improve their ability to master basic statistical methods and solve practical problems by applying statistical analysis methods to some extent.


Learn Statistics with Ease课程:前往报名学习

Learn Statistics with Ease视频慕课课程简介:

Statistics is a highly practical subject.Statistics is a science that studies how to collect, sort out and analyze data. Its purpose is to explore the intrinsic quantitative regularity of objective things to form scientific cognition of things.It can not only endow students with basic statistical ideas, cultivate their interest in learning statistics. But also can improve their ability to master basic statistical methods and solve practical problems by applying statistical analysis methods to some extent.


Learn Statistics with Ease课程列表:


Chapter 1 Data and Statistics


-1.1 Applications in Business and Economics

--1.1.1 Statistics application: everywhere 统计应用:无处不在

-1.2 Data、Data Sources

--1.2.1 History of Statistical Practice: A Long Road 统计实践史:漫漫长路

-1.3 Descriptive Statistics

--1.3.1 History of Statistics: Learn from others 统计学科史:博采众长

--1.3.2 Homework 课后习题

-1.4 Statistical Inference

--1.4.1 Basic research methods: statistical tools 基本研究方法:统计的利器

--1.4.2 Homework课后习题

--1.4.3 Basic concepts: the cornerstone of statistics 基本概念:统计的基石

--1.4.4 Homework 课后习题

-1.5 Unit test 第一单元测试题

Chapter 2 Descriptive Statistics: Tabular and Graphical Methods

-Statistical surveys

-2.1Summarizing Qualitative Data

--2.1.1 Statistical investigation: the sharp edge of mining raw ore 统计调查:挖掘原矿的利刃

-2.2Frequency Distribution

--2.2.1 Scheme design: a prelude to statistical survey 方案设计:统计调查的前奏

-2.3Relative Frequency Distribution

--2.3.1 Homework 课后习题

-2.4Bar Graph

--2.4.1 Homework 课后习题

-2.6 Unit 2 test 第二单元测试题

Chapter 3 Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods

-Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods

-3.1Measures of Location

--3.1.1 Statistics grouping: from original ecology to systematization 统计分组:从原生态到系统化

--3.1.2 Homework 课后习题


--3.2.1 Frequency distribution: the initial appearance of the overall distribution characteristics 频数分布:初显总体分布特征

--3.2.2 Homework 课后习题


--3.3 .1 Statistics chart: show the best partner for data 统计图表:展现数据最佳拍档

--3.3.2 Homework 课后习题


--3.4.1 Calculating the average (1): Full expression of central tendency 计算平均数(一):集中趋势之充分表达

--3.4.2 Homework 课后习题

-3.5Measures of Variability

--3.5.1 Calculating the average (2): Full expression of central tendency 计算平均数(二):集中趋势之充分表达

--3.5.2 Homework 课后习题

-3.6Range、Interquartile Range、A.D、Variance

--3.6.1 Position average: a robust expression of central tendency 1 位置平均数:集中趋势之稳健表达1

--3.6.2 Homework 课后习题

-3.7Standard Deviation

--3.7.1 Position average: a robust expression of central tendency 2 位置平均数:集中趋势之稳健表达2

-3.8Coefficient of Variation

--3.8.1 Variance and standard deviation (1): Commonly used indicators of deviation from the center 方差与标准差(一):离中趋势之常用指标

--3.8.2 Variance and Standard Deviation (2): Commonly Used Indicators of Deviation Trend 方差与标准差(二):离中趋势之常用指标

-3.9 unit 3 test 第三单元测试题

Chapter 4 Time Series Analysis

-Time Series Analysis

-4.1 The horizontal of time series

--4.1.1 Time series (1): The past, present and future of the indicator 时间序列 (一) :指标的过去现在未来

--4.1.2 Homework 课后习题

--4.1.3 Time series (2): The past, present and future of indicators 时间序列 (二) :指标的过去现在未来

--4.1.4 Homework 课后习题

--4.1.5 Level analysis: the basis of time series analysis 水平分析:时间数列分析的基础

--4.1.6Homework 课后习题

-4.2 The speed analysis of time series

--4.2.1 Speed analysis: relative changes in time series 速度分析:时间数列的相对变动

--4.2.2 Homework 课后习题

-4.3 The calculation of the chronological average

--4.3.1 Average development speed: horizontal method and cumulative method 平均发展速度:水平法和累积法

--4.3.2 Homework 课后习题

-4.4 The calculation of average rate of development and increase

--4.4.1 Analysis of Component Factors: Finding the Truth 构成因素分析:抽丝剥茧寻真相

--4.4.2 Homework 课后习题

-4.5 The secular trend analysis of time series

--4.5.1 Long-term trend determination, smoothing method 长期趋势测定,修匀法

--4.5.2 Homework 课后习题

--4.5.3 Long-term trend determination: equation method 长期趋势测定:方程法

--4.5.4 Homework 课后习题

-4.6 The season fluctuation analysis of time series

--4.6.1 Seasonal change analysis: the same period average method 季节变动分析:同期平均法

-4.7 Unit 4 test 第四单元测试题

Chapter 5 Statistical Index

-Statistical indices

-5.1 The Conception and Type of Statistical Index

--5.1.1 Index overview: definition and classification 指数概览:定义与分类

-5.2 Aggregate Index

--5.2.1 Comprehensive index: first comprehensive and then compare 综合指数:先综合后对比

-5.4 Aggregate Index System

--5.4.1 Comprehensive Index System 综合指数体系

-5.5 Transformative Aggregate Index (Mean value index)

--5.5.1 Average index: compare first and then comprehensive (1) 平均数指数:先对比后综合(一)

--5.5.2 Average index: compare first and then comprehensive (2) 平均数指数:先对比后综合(二)

-5.6 Average target index

--5.6.1 Average index index: first average and then compare 平均指标指数:先平均后对比

-5.7 Multi-factor Index System

--5.7.1 CPI Past and Present CPI 前世今生

-5.8 Economic Index in Reality

--5.8.1 Stock Price Index: Big Family 股票价格指数:大家庭

-5.9 Unit 5 test 第五单元测试题

Chapter 6 Sampling Distributions

-Sampling and sampling distribution

-6.1The binomial distribution

--6.1.1 Sampling survey: definition and several groups of concepts 抽样调查:定义与几组概念

-6.2The geometric distribution

--6.2.1 Probability sampling: common organizational forms 概率抽样:常用组织形式

-6.3The t-distribution

--6.3.1 Non-probability sampling: commonly used sampling methods 非概率抽样:常用抽取方法

-6.4The normal distribution

--6.4.1 Common probability distributions: basic characterization of random variables 常见概率分布:随机变量的基本刻画

-6.5Using the normal table

--6.5.1 Sampling distribution: the cornerstone of sampling inference theory 抽样分布:抽样推断理论的基石

-6.9 Unit 6 test 第六单元测试题

Chapter 7 Confidence Intervals

-Parameter Estimation

-7.1Properties of point estimates: bias and variability

--7.1.1 Point estimation: methods and applications 点估计:方法与应用

-7.2Logic of confidence intervals

--7.2.1 Estimation: Selection and Evaluation 估计量:选择与评价

-7.3Meaning of confidence level

--7.3.1 Interval estimation: basic principles (1) 区间估计:基本原理(一)

--7.3.2 Interval estimation: basic principles (2) 区间估计:基本原理(二)

-7.4Confidence interval for a population proportion

--7.4.1 Interval estimation of the mean: large sample case 均值的区间估计:大样本情形

--7.4.2 Interval estimation of the mean: small sample case 均值的区间估计:小样本情形

-7.5Confidence interval for a population mean

--7.5.1 Interval estimation of the mean: small sample case 区间估计:总体比例和方差

-7.6Finding sample size

--7.6.1 Determination of sample size: a prelude to sampling (1) 样本容量的确定:抽样的前奏(一)

--7.6.2 Determination of sample size: a prelude to sampling (2) 样本容量的确定:抽样的前奏(二)

-7.7 Unit 7 Test 第七单元测试题

Chapter 8: Hypothesis Tests

-Hypothesis Tests

-8.1Forming hypotheses

--8.1.1 Hypothesis testing: proposing hypotheses 假设检验:提出假设

-8.2Logic of hypothesis testing

--8.2.1 Hypothesis testing: basic ideas 假设检验:基本思想

-8.3Type I and Type II errors

--8.3.1 Hypothesis testing: basic steps 假设检验:基本步骤

-8.4Test statistics and p-values 、Two-sided tests

--8.4.1 Example analysis: single population mean test 例题解析:单个总体均值检验

-8.5Hypothesis test for a population mean

--8.5.1 Analysis of examples of individual population proportion and variance test 例题分析 单个总体比例及方差检验

-8.6Hypothesis test for a population proportion

--8.6.1 P value: another test criterion P值:另一个检验准则

-8.7 Unit 8 test 第八单元测试题

Chapter 9 Correlation and Regression Analysis

-Correlation and regression analysis

-9.1Correlative relations

--9.1.1 Correlation analysis: exploring the connection of things 相关分析:初探事物联系

--9.1.2 Correlation coefficient: quantify the degree of correlation 相关系数:量化相关程度

-9.2The description of regression equation

--9.2.1 Regression Analysis: Application at a Glance 回归分析:应用一瞥

-9.3Fit the regression equation

--9.3.1 Regression analysis: equation establishment 回归分析:方程建立

-9.4Correlative relations of determination

--9.4.1 Regression analysis: basic ideas

--9.4.2 Regression analysis: coefficient estimation 回归分析:系数估计

-9.5The application of regression equation

--9.5.1 Regression analysis: model evaluation 回归分析:模型评价

Learn Statistics with Ease开设学校:江西财经大学

Learn Statistics with Ease授课教师:






郭露,副教授,硕士生导师,作为青年学术骨干主持国家社科项目两项,主持省部级各类课题9项(其中5项已结题),作为第二参与人参与研究国家社科基金两项,自然基金一项,省哲学社科重大项目一项及其他省级课题多项。6年内发表期刊论文20篇,出版专著2部,参编教材3部。在横向课题方面,主持了国家统计局2015年全国统计科学研究项目,主持完成了江西省第六次人口普查招标课题,研究成果获省统计局主要领导的充分肯定;作为主要研究人员参与深圳统计局的两项重大招标课题,相关研究成果获得领导批示。 1.近5年承担教学任务:主讲《统计学》《概率论》《国民经济核算》、《统计指数》《管理会计学》等五门主干课程,年均教学量近280学时,评教分数优秀。多次负责多层次专业培养方案的修订,并承担学年论文、毕业设计、市场调查大赛指导等实践教学。 2.教学研究情况:①主持省级教改项目3项、校级教改项目1项;其中两项省级教改项目优秀结题,研究成果受到教育厅相关领导的充分肯定;②发表教改论文3篇,其中两篇在《中国大学教学》上发表,一篇在SSCI检索;③参与编写教材四部,其中《统计学》教材获得江西省第五届优秀教材一等奖;④作为骨干成员的统计学教学团队2016年被评为省级教学团队。 3.获得教学奖励: ①2014年、2017年获得江西省教学成果奖二等奖两项;②2012年、2015年获得江西省教育科学成果奖二等奖两项;③获得第三届全国商科院校技能大赛优秀辅导老师称号;④作为骨干讲授教师的《轻松学统计》课程被评为2018年国家级精品在线开放课程。






  1. Learn Statistics with Ease(Round 2)

  2. 植物的欲望(2021秋)

  3. C语言程序设计(2021秋)

  4. 高级生物化学与实验技术(2021秋)

  5. Draping for Fashion Design(Round 2)

  6. Macroeconomics(Round 2)

  7. 国际经济法学(2021秋)

  8. 免疫学(2021秋)

  9. Occlusion(Round 2)

  10. Methods & Writing of Scientific Research for Environment Specialty(Round 3)

  11. 计算机组成原理(2021秋)

  12. 质量管理(2021秋)

  13. 自然灾害概论(2021秋)

  14. 口腔解剖生理学(2021秋)

  15. 嵌入式系统设计(2021秋)

  16. 物理化学(2021秋)

  17. 语文·听说(2021秋)

  18. 数据库系统原理与开发(2021秋)

  19. 计算机网络基础与应用(2021秋)

  20. 医院感染学(2021秋)
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