当前课程知识点:Learn Statistics with Ease > Chapter 9 Correlation and Regression Analysis > 9.5The application of regression equation > Correlation and regression analysis
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-1.1 Applications in Business and Economics
--1.1.1 Statistics application: everywhere 统计应用:无处不在
-1.2 Data、Data Sources
--1.2.1 History of Statistical Practice: A Long Road 统计实践史:漫漫长路
-1.3 Descriptive Statistics
--1.3.1 History of Statistics: Learn from others 统计学科史:博采众长
--1.3.2 Homework 课后习题
-1.4 Statistical Inference
--1.4.1 Basic research methods: statistical tools 基本研究方法:统计的利器
--1.4.2 Homework课后习题
--1.4.3 Basic concepts: the cornerstone of statistics 基本概念:统计的基石
--1.4.4 Homework 课后习题
-1.5 Unit test 第一单元测试题
-2.1Summarizing Qualitative Data
--2.1.1 Statistical investigation: the sharp edge of mining raw ore 统计调查:挖掘原矿的利刃
-2.2Frequency Distribution
--2.2.1 Scheme design: a prelude to statistical survey 方案设计:统计调查的前奏
-2.3Relative Frequency Distribution
--2.3.1 Homework 课后习题
-2.4Bar Graph
--2.4.1 Homework 课后习题
-2.6 Unit 2 test 第二单元测试题
-Descriptive Statistics: Numerical Methods
-3.1Measures of Location
--3.1.1 Statistics grouping: from original ecology to systematization 统计分组:从原生态到系统化
--3.1.2 Homework 课后习题
--3.2.2 Homework 课后习题
--3.3 .1 Statistics chart: show the best partner for data 统计图表:展现数据最佳拍档
--3.3.2 Homework 课后习题
--3.4.1 Calculating the average (1): Full expression of central tendency 计算平均数(一):集中趋势之充分表达
--3.4.2 Homework 课后习题
-3.5Measures of Variability
--3.5.1 Calculating the average (2): Full expression of central tendency 计算平均数(二):集中趋势之充分表达
--3.5.2 Homework 课后习题
-3.6Range、Interquartile Range、A.D、Variance
--3.6.1 Position average: a robust expression of central tendency 1 位置平均数:集中趋势之稳健表达1
--3.6.2 Homework 课后习题
-3.7Standard Deviation
--3.7.1 Position average: a robust expression of central tendency 2 位置平均数:集中趋势之稳健表达2
-3.8Coefficient of Variation
-3.9 unit 3 test 第三单元测试题
-4.1 The horizontal of time series
--4.1.1 Time series (1): The past, present and future of the indicator 时间序列 (一) :指标的过去现在未来
--4.1.2 Homework 课后习题
--4.1.3 Time series (2): The past, present and future of indicators 时间序列 (二) :指标的过去现在未来
--4.1.4 Homework 课后习题
--4.1.5 Level analysis: the basis of time series analysis 水平分析:时间数列分析的基础
--4.1.6Homework 课后习题
-4.2 The speed analysis of time series
--4.2.1 Speed analysis: relative changes in time series 速度分析:时间数列的相对变动
--4.2.2 Homework 课后习题
-4.3 The calculation of the chronological average
--4.3.1 Average development speed: horizontal method and cumulative method 平均发展速度:水平法和累积法
--4.3.2 Homework 课后习题
-4.4 The calculation of average rate of development and increase
--4.4.1 Analysis of Component Factors: Finding the Truth 构成因素分析:抽丝剥茧寻真相
--4.4.2 Homework 课后习题
-4.5 The secular trend analysis of time series
--4.5.1 Long-term trend determination, smoothing method 长期趋势测定,修匀法
--4.5.2 Homework 课后习题
--4.5.3 Long-term trend determination: equation method 长期趋势测定:方程法
--4.5.4 Homework 课后习题
-4.6 The season fluctuation analysis of time series
--4.6.1 Seasonal change analysis: the same period average method 季节变动分析:同期平均法
-4.7 Unit 4 test 第四单元测试题
-5.1 The Conception and Type of Statistical Index
--5.1.1 Index overview: definition and classification 指数概览:定义与分类
-5.2 Aggregate Index
--5.2.1 Comprehensive index: first comprehensive and then compare 综合指数:先综合后对比
-5.4 Aggregate Index System
--5.4.1 Comprehensive Index System 综合指数体系
-5.5 Transformative Aggregate Index (Mean value index)
--5.5.1 Average index: compare first and then comprehensive (1) 平均数指数:先对比后综合(一)
--5.5.2 Average index: compare first and then comprehensive (2) 平均数指数:先对比后综合(二)
-5.6 Average target index
--5.6.1 Average index index: first average and then compare 平均指标指数:先平均后对比
-5.7 Multi-factor Index System
--5.7.1 CPI Past and Present CPI 前世今生
-5.8 Economic Index in Reality
--5.8.1 Stock Price Index: Big Family 股票价格指数:大家庭
-5.9 Unit 5 test 第五单元测试题
-Sampling and sampling distribution
-6.1The binomial distribution
--6.1.1 Sampling survey: definition and several groups of concepts 抽样调查:定义与几组概念
-6.2The geometric distribution
--6.2.1 Probability sampling: common organizational forms 概率抽样:常用组织形式
-6.3The t-distribution
--6.3.1 Non-probability sampling: commonly used sampling methods 非概率抽样:常用抽取方法
-6.4The normal distribution
--6.4.1 Common probability distributions: basic characterization of random variables 常见概率分布:随机变量的基本刻画
-6.5Using the normal table
--6.5.1 Sampling distribution: the cornerstone of sampling inference theory 抽样分布:抽样推断理论的基石
-6.9 Unit 6 test 第六单元测试题
-7.1Properties of point estimates: bias and variability
--7.1.1 Point estimation: methods and applications 点估计:方法与应用
-7.2Logic of confidence intervals
--7.2.1 Estimation: Selection and Evaluation 估计量:选择与评价
-7.3Meaning of confidence level
--7.3.1 Interval estimation: basic principles (1) 区间估计:基本原理(一)
--7.3.2 Interval estimation: basic principles (2) 区间估计:基本原理(二)
-7.4Confidence interval for a population proportion
--7.4.1 Interval estimation of the mean: large sample case 均值的区间估计:大样本情形
--7.4.2 Interval estimation of the mean: small sample case 均值的区间估计:小样本情形
-7.5Confidence interval for a population mean
--7.5.1 Interval estimation of the mean: small sample case 区间估计:总体比例和方差
-7.6Finding sample size
--7.6.1 Determination of sample size: a prelude to sampling (1) 样本容量的确定:抽样的前奏(一)
--7.6.2 Determination of sample size: a prelude to sampling (2) 样本容量的确定:抽样的前奏(二)
-7.7 Unit 7 Test 第七单元测试题
-8.1Forming hypotheses
--8.1.1 Hypothesis testing: proposing hypotheses 假设检验:提出假设
-8.2Logic of hypothesis testing
--8.2.1 Hypothesis testing: basic ideas 假设检验:基本思想
-8.3Type I and Type II errors
--8.3.1 Hypothesis testing: basic steps 假设检验:基本步骤
-8.4Test statistics and p-values 、Two-sided tests
--8.4.1 Example analysis: single population mean test 例题解析:单个总体均值检验
-8.5Hypothesis test for a population mean
--8.5.1 Analysis of examples of individual population proportion and variance test 例题分析 单个总体比例及方差检验
-8.6Hypothesis test for a population proportion
--8.6.1 P value: another test criterion P值:另一个检验准则
-8.7 Unit 8 test 第八单元测试题
-Correlation and regression analysis
-9.1Correlative relations
--9.1.1 Correlation analysis: exploring the connection of things 相关分析:初探事物联系
--9.1.2 Correlation coefficient: quantify the degree of correlation 相关系数:量化相关程度
-9.2The description of regression equation
--9.2.1 Regression Analysis: Application at a Glance 回归分析:应用一瞥
-9.3Fit the regression equation
--9.3.1 Regression analysis: equation establishment 回归分析:方程建立
-9.4Correlative relations of determination
--9.4.1 Regression analysis: basic ideas
--9.4.2 Regression analysis: coefficient estimation 回归分析:系数估计
-9.5The application of regression equation