当前课程知识点:口译:理论与实践 >  Unit 4 口译笔记 >  Lecture 1 口译笔记简介 >  Lecture 1 口译笔记简介


Lecture 1 口译笔记简介在线视频

下一节:Lecture 2口译笔记常用符号


Lecture 1 口译笔记简介课程教案、知识点、字幕

Hello everyone

It’s good to have you here

I’m your lecturer Catherine


we move to Unit 4: Note-taking

Note-taking is a necessary skill

that is of utmost importance to interpreters

and deserves our foremost attention

We know that it is easy for an interpreter

to speak from his/her memory

if the speaker pauses every one or two sentences

But too often

the speaker keeps talking for four

to five minutes without any pause

In such cases

interpreters can hardly remember all the information

due to short-term memory limitations

It is particularly true

when the speaker mentions a series of figures

or a long list of names and places

Without any external help

interpreters can hardly avoid misinterpreting

or leaving out important information

To ensure smooth interpreting results

interpreters need to find a way for assistance

and notes came into being for this purpose

Taking notes is an excellent way

to supplement short-term memory

and reduce the burden of brains


note-taking is by no means easy

For beginners

taking notes while listening may distract their attention

and as a result

they often fail to reach a balance

between taking notes and listening

Another thing is that beginners are often at a loss

what notes to take and how


to learn note-taking and do it well

you must first know some specific features of note-taking


note-taking in interpreting is fundamentally different

from shorthand

The writing system adopted in shorthand

is an entirely different one

and needs decipherment

as the picture shows

In interpreting however

interpreters can hardly afford the time

to decode symbols and meanings they represent

That’s why interpreters are supposed to take notes

in a way that they’re most familiar with


there is no doubt

that shorthand is impractical for interpreters

In this case

note-taking provides the best solution to the problem

While taking notes in interpreting

interpreters use simple characters




and abbreviations to jot down key words

This picture is a typical example of notes in interpreting


notes are meant to be used

immediately by the interpreter

In other words

they lose meaning and no longer serve a purpose

once an interpreting activity ends

So it is unnecessary as well

as impossible to write everything down

If an interpreter spends too much time taking notes

he/she won’t be able to have enough time

to process the source language information

In this sense

the importance of note-taking

should not be overemphasized

At any time and under any circumstances

an interpreter should focus

his/her attention on listening rather than note-taking


ways of taking notes vary from person to person

That’s to say

notes are individualized and each interpreter

may have his/her unique style of taking notes

An interpreter’s notes are only for him/her

to read and understand

One interpreter tends to use symbols

while the other may prefer abbreviations

There aren’t specific rules on how to take notes

As long as you can read them without difficulty

it’s ok

We’ve talked so much about note-taking theories

now let’s watch this video clip

to get a better preliminary understanding of note-taking

before we go further to explain the details of it

With this video clip I believe

you’ ve got a clearer understanding of note-taking

In the following lectures

I’ll give you instructions on how to take notes

Please be prepared and come back for more


UNIT 1 口译概论

-Lecture 1 口译的定义及特点

--Lecture 1 口译的定义及特点

-Lecture 2 口译的分类

--Lecture 2 口译的分类

-Lecture 3 口译员的素质

--UNIT 1 讨论

--Lecture 3 口译员的素质

-Unit 1 单元测试

Unit 2 口译中的信息加工

-Lecture 1 听取信息

--Lecture 1 听取信息

-Lecture 2 逻辑分析

--Lecture 2 逻辑分析··

-Lecture 3 模拟演练

--Unit 2 讨论

--Lecture 3 模拟演练

-Unit 2 单元测试

Unit 3 口译记忆

-Lecture 1 口译记忆的类型

--Lecture 1 口译记忆的类型

-Lecture 2 口译记忆强化技巧一:原语复述

--Lecture 2 口译记忆强化技巧一:原语复述

-Lecture 3 口译记忆强化技巧二:影子跟读

--Lecture 3 口译记忆强化技巧二:影子跟读

-Lecture 4 口译记忆强化技巧三:视觉化

--Lecture 4 口译记忆强化技巧三:视觉化

-Lecture 5 模拟演练

--Unit 3 讨论

--Lecture 5 模拟演练

-Unit 3 单元测试

Unit 4 口译笔记

-Lecture 1 口译笔记简介

--Lecture 1 口译笔记简介

-Lecture 2口译笔记常用符号

--Lecture 2口译笔记常用符号

-Lecture 3 口译笔记记录方法

--Lecture 3 口译笔记记录方法

-Lecture 4 口译笔记案例详解

--Lecture 4 口译笔记案例详解

-Lecture 5模拟演练

--Unit 4 讨论

--Lecture 5模拟演练


Unit 5 数字口译

-Lecture 1 英汉计数差异

--Lecture 1 英汉计数差异

-Lecture 2 常用数字表达

--Lecture 2 常用数字表达

-Lecture 3 篇章数字口译

--Lecture 3 篇章数字口译

-Lecture 4 模拟演练

--Unit 5 讨论

--Lecture 4 模拟演练


Unit 6 口译表达

-Lecture 1 公共演讲技巧

--Lecture 1 公共演讲技巧

-Lecture 2 口译基本方法

--Lecture 2 口译基本方法

-Lecture 3 口译常见问题及应对方法

--Lecture 3 口译常见问题及应对方法

-Lecture 4 模拟演练

--Unit 6 讨论

--Lecture 4 模拟演练


Unit 7 口译表达强化训练方法

-Lecture 1 ECEC和CECE训练法

--Lecture 1 ECEC和CECE训练法

-Lecture 2 ECEC训练法模拟演练

--Lecture 2 ECEC训练法模拟演练

-Lecture 3 CECE训练法模拟演练

--Unit 7 讨论

--Lecture 3 CECE训练法模拟演练


Lecture 1 口译笔记简介笔记与讨论


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