当前课程知识点:口译:理论与实践 >  UNIT 1 口译概论 >  Lecture 3 口译员的素质 >  Lecture 3 口译员的素质


Lecture 3 口译员的素质在线视频

下一节:Lecture 1 听取信息


Lecture 3 口译员的素质课程教案、知识点、字幕

Hello everyone

Welcome to the online course

Interpreting: Theory and Practice

I’m you lecturer Catherine

After learning the first two lectures

I believe you’re now itching to get started

Wait Remember?

Haste makes waste

My suggestion is don’t hurry

before learning today’s lecture

Examine the requirements for interpreters

can really be good for you

It helps you discover

your strengths and weaknesses

so you can work accordingly

to perfect your abilities


let’s not waste any more time

and figure out the specific requirements right now

To be a qualified interpreter

you need to equip yourself with

three basic skills and two qualities


sound bilingual knowledge

serves as the basic requirement

since interpreting activity involves two languages


extensive extralinguistic knowledge

plays an important part in interpreting

since it’s quite likely that an interpreter

may encounter various source materials

in field interpreting

such as culture



business etc

So always be ready to absorb new knowledge


unerring interpreting skills or techniques

including the ability to listen

process and analyze information

short-term memory and public speaking skills

Apart from the above three basic skills

two qualities are also essential for interpreters

The first comes sound

physical and psychological quality

You may have watched interpreters

sitting in a booth or beside a speaker

handling the job with ease

But as a matter of fact

interpreting involves more than that


an interpreter starts to prepare several days in advance

before an activity takes place

He/she must look professional terms up in dictionaries

and other sources

read abundant related materials

to guarantee a smooth and successful interpreting

They even have to burn the midnight oil to prepare

All in all

the preparation itself involves a great deal

of effort and energy

It’s also very common

for an interpreter to follow the speaker

to different places

especially in escort interpreting


without a strong and healthy physical condition

an interpreter may not be able to cope

with an overwhelming workload

Psychological quality deserves your attention too


an interpreter faces a large audience

instead of a single listener

so he/she needs to remain calm and composed

even when he/she encounters difficulties

The other quality is fine professional conduct

Good professional conduct ensures

a smooth and harmonious communication

between two parties

You may have heard stories about interpreters

who lack professional ethics

just like the following example

Welcome back


how do you think?

She failed to show any professional ethics

which can lead to fatal outcomes

You may wonder what are good professionalism

Please watch this example


l believe you’ve got a clear understanding

of an interpreter’s professionalism

When you’re engaged in interpreting activities

remember to behave according to those suggestions

It takes painstaking effort

before becoming skillful in interpreting

The only trick is to practice

practice and practice

But I’m sure

you’re all determined learners and are ready

to make endeavor


this is the end of lecture 3

Stay tuned


UNIT 1 口译概论

-Lecture 1 口译的定义及特点

--Lecture 1 口译的定义及特点

-Lecture 2 口译的分类

--Lecture 2 口译的分类

-Lecture 3 口译员的素质

--UNIT 1 讨论

--Lecture 3 口译员的素质

-Unit 1 单元测试

Unit 2 口译中的信息加工

-Lecture 1 听取信息

--Lecture 1 听取信息

-Lecture 2 逻辑分析

--Lecture 2 逻辑分析··

-Lecture 3 模拟演练

--Unit 2 讨论

--Lecture 3 模拟演练

-Unit 2 单元测试

Unit 3 口译记忆

-Lecture 1 口译记忆的类型

--Lecture 1 口译记忆的类型

-Lecture 2 口译记忆强化技巧一:原语复述

--Lecture 2 口译记忆强化技巧一:原语复述

-Lecture 3 口译记忆强化技巧二:影子跟读

--Lecture 3 口译记忆强化技巧二:影子跟读

-Lecture 4 口译记忆强化技巧三:视觉化

--Lecture 4 口译记忆强化技巧三:视觉化

-Lecture 5 模拟演练

--Unit 3 讨论

--Lecture 5 模拟演练

-Unit 3 单元测试

Unit 4 口译笔记

-Lecture 1 口译笔记简介

--Lecture 1 口译笔记简介

-Lecture 2口译笔记常用符号

--Lecture 2口译笔记常用符号

-Lecture 3 口译笔记记录方法

--Lecture 3 口译笔记记录方法

-Lecture 4 口译笔记案例详解

--Lecture 4 口译笔记案例详解

-Lecture 5模拟演练

--Unit 4 讨论

--Lecture 5模拟演练


Unit 5 数字口译

-Lecture 1 英汉计数差异

--Lecture 1 英汉计数差异

-Lecture 2 常用数字表达

--Lecture 2 常用数字表达

-Lecture 3 篇章数字口译

--Lecture 3 篇章数字口译

-Lecture 4 模拟演练

--Unit 5 讨论

--Lecture 4 模拟演练


Unit 6 口译表达

-Lecture 1 公共演讲技巧

--Lecture 1 公共演讲技巧

-Lecture 2 口译基本方法

--Lecture 2 口译基本方法

-Lecture 3 口译常见问题及应对方法

--Lecture 3 口译常见问题及应对方法

-Lecture 4 模拟演练

--Unit 6 讨论

--Lecture 4 模拟演练


Unit 7 口译表达强化训练方法

-Lecture 1 ECEC和CECE训练法

--Lecture 1 ECEC和CECE训练法

-Lecture 2 ECEC训练法模拟演练

--Lecture 2 ECEC训练法模拟演练

-Lecture 3 CECE训练法模拟演练

--Unit 7 讨论

--Lecture 3 CECE训练法模拟演练


Lecture 3 口译员的素质笔记与讨论


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