当前课程知识点:口译:理论与实践 >  Unit 4 口译笔记 >  Lecture 3 口译笔记记录方法 >  Lecture 3 口译笔记记录方法


Lecture 3 口译笔记记录方法在线视频

下一节:Lecture 4 口译笔记案例详解


Lecture 3 口译笔记记录方法课程教案、知识点、字幕

Hello everyone

Welcome back

I’m your lecturer Catherine


we’ll discuss a critical topic: note-taking

To take notes

you need to prepare the necessary tools

including a notebook and a pen

Small top-opening notebooks are recommended

because they are easy to handle

with one palm and quick to turn pages

The notebooks in this picture

are the widely used kind

If this kind of notebook is not available

you can also use A4 paper

Fold a sheet of A4 paper in half like this

and then fold it further

so that you can hold it with one hand


you can write notes on it

Of course

the A4 paper is only for practice

and it’s inappropriate to use it

when you are doing interpreting

on a formal occasion

Apart from a notebook

you should also have a proper pen


it’s better to use knock-gel pens

They’re portable and are also convenient to use

With proper tools at hand

you may wonder what notes

should be taken and how to take them?

Let’s first talk about what notes should be taken?

Above all

key words and main ideas

are the most important ones

It’s a waste of time trying to write everything down

Experienced interpreters

always keep their notes brief

jot down the gist and draw arrows

to indicate the relation among them



proper names and lists are a must

Numbers in particular

are hard to retain in memory

and thus have to rely on written notes


a business negotiation might come to nothing

if the interpreter fails to remember proper names


the speaker mentions

a long list of names and places

like the member countries of an organization

the interpreter

cannot produce accurate target information

without the assistance of notes


linking words and transitional expressions

like “however” “besides”

“first of all” etc

represent the connection in logic

as well as changes of the speaker’s tone

Failure to note down them

may affect the accuracy of the source language


how to take notes?

There are some points you should keep in mind

First and foremost

the structure of notes is usually vertical

rather than horizontal

It’s different from the usual ways of taking notes

Vertical arrangements make your notes

logically more explicit


indent your notes

Indentation helps the interpreter

to tell the logical connection

between different pieces of information


use a loose structure for your notes

In this way

you can move your eyes quickly

without leaving out information

which saves time

For parallel structures

make sure to write in different lines


use the left and right margins

Remember to leave one to two centimeters of margins

on both sides

so you can add information

at any time or make connections


draw a line to mark the end

When the speaker pauses

the interpreter should quickly draw a line right

beneath his/her notes

It means the finish of a part of a speech


when the speaker pauses again

the interpreter draws another line

By doing this

the interpreter can quickly find the beginning

when he starts to interpret

The skills mentioned above

are the matters needing attention

before you start to take notes


let’s look at some examples






In this sentence

there are some figures

proper names and linking words

which must be written down


there is also some supporting information

that makes the sentence meaningful

They are highlighted in bold

These are the noes for your reference

with arrows pointing to the function of the notes

Here’s another example

So it is the policy of the United States

to seek and support democratic movements

and institutions in every nation and culture

with the ultimate goal of ending tyranny

in our world

These are the notes for your reference

As in the previous example

arrows are used to point to the function of the notes

Have you got an idea of how to take notes?


please have a try

女士们 先生们









The suggested notes are here for your reference

Note-taking is a challenging task for interpreters

No one can master it

without a long-time practice

If you cannot write down the notes just now

don’t be upset

You just need to practice more

In the next lecture

I’ll bring you some bad examples of note-taking

Be sure to come back and check

if you made similar errors

Looking forward to meeting you


UNIT 1 口译概论

-Lecture 1 口译的定义及特点

--Lecture 1 口译的定义及特点

-Lecture 2 口译的分类

--Lecture 2 口译的分类

-Lecture 3 口译员的素质

--UNIT 1 讨论

--Lecture 3 口译员的素质

-Unit 1 单元测试

Unit 2 口译中的信息加工

-Lecture 1 听取信息

--Lecture 1 听取信息

-Lecture 2 逻辑分析

--Lecture 2 逻辑分析··

-Lecture 3 模拟演练

--Unit 2 讨论

--Lecture 3 模拟演练

-Unit 2 单元测试

Unit 3 口译记忆

-Lecture 1 口译记忆的类型

--Lecture 1 口译记忆的类型

-Lecture 2 口译记忆强化技巧一:原语复述

--Lecture 2 口译记忆强化技巧一:原语复述

-Lecture 3 口译记忆强化技巧二:影子跟读

--Lecture 3 口译记忆强化技巧二:影子跟读

-Lecture 4 口译记忆强化技巧三:视觉化

--Lecture 4 口译记忆强化技巧三:视觉化

-Lecture 5 模拟演练

--Unit 3 讨论

--Lecture 5 模拟演练

-Unit 3 单元测试

Unit 4 口译笔记

-Lecture 1 口译笔记简介

--Lecture 1 口译笔记简介

-Lecture 2口译笔记常用符号

--Lecture 2口译笔记常用符号

-Lecture 3 口译笔记记录方法

--Lecture 3 口译笔记记录方法

-Lecture 4 口译笔记案例详解

--Lecture 4 口译笔记案例详解

-Lecture 5模拟演练

--Unit 4 讨论

--Lecture 5模拟演练


Unit 5 数字口译

-Lecture 1 英汉计数差异

--Lecture 1 英汉计数差异

-Lecture 2 常用数字表达

--Lecture 2 常用数字表达

-Lecture 3 篇章数字口译

--Lecture 3 篇章数字口译

-Lecture 4 模拟演练

--Unit 5 讨论

--Lecture 4 模拟演练


Unit 6 口译表达

-Lecture 1 公共演讲技巧

--Lecture 1 公共演讲技巧

-Lecture 2 口译基本方法

--Lecture 2 口译基本方法

-Lecture 3 口译常见问题及应对方法

--Lecture 3 口译常见问题及应对方法

-Lecture 4 模拟演练

--Unit 6 讨论

--Lecture 4 模拟演练


Unit 7 口译表达强化训练方法

-Lecture 1 ECEC和CECE训练法

--Lecture 1 ECEC和CECE训练法

-Lecture 2 ECEC训练法模拟演练

--Lecture 2 ECEC训练法模拟演练

-Lecture 3 CECE训练法模拟演练

--Unit 7 讨论

--Lecture 3 CECE训练法模拟演练


Lecture 3 口译笔记记录方法笔记与讨论


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