








1-Introduction of Human Factors HCI and Human-Centered Design

-1.0-Course Introduction


-1.1-Early History of Human Factors/Ergonomics


-1.1-Early History of Human Factors/Ergonomics--作业

-1.2-Physical Ergonomics


-1.2-Physical Ergonomics--作业

-1.3-Ergonomics in Ancient China


-1.3-Ergonomics in Ancient China--作业

-1.4-Cognitive Ergonomics


-1.4-Cognitive Ergonomics--作业

-1.5-Human Information Processing


-1.5-Human Information Processing--作业

-1.6-Organizational Ergonomics and Human-Centered Design


-1.6-Organizational Ergonomics and Human-Centered Design--作业


--Week 1

2-Chinese User Experience Design: Observation of Chinese

-2.1-Examples of Culture Differences


-2.1-Examples of Culture Differences--作业

-2.2-Culture Differences and Design


-2.2-Culture Differences and Design--作业

-2.3.1-Culture Theories


-2.3.1-Culture Theories--作业

-2.3.2-Culture Theories


-2.3.2-Culture Theories--作业

-2.3.3-Culture Theories


-2.3.3-Culture Theories--作业


--Week 2

3-Chinese User Experience Design: Design Implications

-3.1.1-Trust on Technology


-3.1.1-Trust on Technology--作业

-3.1.2-Trust on Technology


-3.1.2-Trust on Technology--作业

-3.2-Time management and Time orientation


-3.2-Time management and Time orientation--作业

-3.3.1-Cognitive Styles and Decision Making


-3.3.1-Cognitive Styles and Decision Making--作业

-3.3.2-Cognitive Styles and Decision Making


-3.3.2-Cognitive Styles and Decision Making--作业

-3.4 Homework

--Week 3

The mid-term examination

-Midterm Report

4-Chinese User Experience Design: A Case study

-4.1.1-Information Visualization


-4.1.1-Information Visualization--作业

-4.1.2-Information Visualization


-4.1.2-Information Visualization--作业

-4.2-Control of Interaction


-4.2-Control of Interaction--作业

-4.3.1-Case: Rural Chinese Users


-4.3.1-Case: Rural Chinese Users--作业

-4.3.2-Case: Rural Chinese Users


-4.3.2-Case: Rural Chinese Users--作业

-4.3.3-Case: Rural Chinese Users


-4.3.3-Case: Rural Chinese Users--作业


--Week 4

5-Human-Robot Interaction

-5.1-Development of Robot


-5.1-Development of Robot--作业

-5.2.1-How to design a culturally adaptive robot?


-5.2.1-How to design a culturally adaptive robot?--作业

-5.2.2-How to design a culturally adaptive robot?


-5.2.2-How to design a culturally adaptive robot?--作业

-5.3-Communication styles and recommendations acceptance from robots


-5.3-Communication styles and recommendations acceptance from robots--作业


--Week 5

6-Human Factors in Manufacturing and Health Care

-6.1-Group decision making


-6.2-Culturally normative communication style


-6.3.1- Senior Experience Suit


-6.3.2- Senior Experience Suit


-6.4- Lab of Usability and HCI


-6.5- Homework

--Week 6

Final-report examination

-Final Report

--Final Report




饶培伦,清华大学工业工程系教授,博导,人因与工效学研究所所长,清华信息技术可用性实验室负责人,参与编撰 Handbook of Standards and Guidelines in Ergonomics and Human Factors和Handbook of Human Factors in Web Design。现任Safety Science副主编,International Journal of Mobile Communication, Human Factors, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Universal Access与Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science期刊编辑委员。担任国际人机交互会议(HCI International 2007)中国地区主席。研究方向:人因工程,人机交互,跨文化设计,为老年人的设计,用户体验,移动设备交互,游戏研究,人与机器人交互,客户体验管理,服务设计与评估等。 Research themes: Human Factors Engineering, Human-computer interaction, cross-cultural design, Design for Elderly, User experience, Mobile Interaction, Game Study, Human-Robot Interaction, Customer Experience Management,Design and evaluation of Service Honors & Awards: 1. Excellent course: Ergonomics and Work Organization, Tsinghua University. (2010) 2. Excellent course: Human Factors Engineering, Beijing. (2009) 3. Presidents Medal, Ergonomics Society, UK. (2008) 4. Award for New Academics, Tsinghua University. (2008) 5.


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  2. 产业组织理论(2021秋)

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  5. 中国茶道(2021秋)

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  20. 高职实用综合英语(2021秋)
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