当前课程知识点:职场菜鸟礼仪指南 >  模块二 职业形象礼仪 >  任务2 仪表礼仪——职场穿衣“变身记” >  成功形象的启程






A person’s dress is the most vivid description of his own upbringing.

Hello, everyone.

I do not know if you have had such confusion before an interview or before your employment:

you do not know what kind of professional dress suits you?

And you are also unclear what the correct professional dress is?

Today, Ms. Li and I will talk about the basic principles of professional dress.

Hello, everyone, in the professional image,

appearance is the first business card of a person,

so professional dress is particularly important.

If we want to show ourselves well in the workplace,

or leave a good impression on our customers,

win the favor of others,

and get images of “professional” and “competent”,

we need to learn the basic principles of dress etiquette first.

Principle 1 Being Clean and Tidy

It is far more important to be clean and tidy than fashionable when wearing professional suits.

For example, remember to check whether there are stains and wrinkles in your clothes.

Keep shirt collar and cuffs white.

Leather shoes should not be covered with dust.

In a word, professional clothes should be clean and tidy as a whole.

Principle 2 Be Harmonious in Dressing

The principle of harmonization is to dress in harmony with your career, body shape, a skin color and so on.

For example, in the business, education and financial circles,

dress is required to be dignified and stable.

Do not blindly pursue fashion when you dress.

You should choose the clothes according to your body shape

and take advantage of your strengths and avoid weaknesses.

For example,

simple styles, such as V-neck, dark color and vertical stripe clothes, are suitable for people who are not tall and overweight,

because dark color gives people a sense of contraction.

Thin people, on the contrary, should choose light-colored clothes.

I agree with you.

The color of clothing can often affect

or even change the impression of people’s skin color in the eyes of others,

which is confirmed by the research of Department of Psychology, Harvard University.

Therefore, we need to consider our own skin color

and choose the right color when matching clothes.

For example, for people with darker and yellow skin color,

it is better not to choose blue or purple,

which makes your face darker.

So what color is suitable for people with dark skin?

In fact, the dark brown and light color clothes,

such as dark red, brown and golden will make you look more confident.

Well, we would like to emphasize one more point in the principle of harmonization:

It is better not to wear clothes with more than 3-4 colors.

Black, white and gray are the “safe” colors,

which are easy to match with other colors.

Principle 3 Be Exquisite

Many people closely associate the word “exquisite” with prices,

and feel that only luxury can bring quality and refinement.

In fact, the so-called exquisite dress does not necessarily require being luxury,

but it must be decent.

Be responsible for yourself.

Hide your attitude in details and show it in details as well.

Well, personally, I like fashion stylist Linda Rodin very much.

Her distinctive silver hair, red lips and exquisite dress are her labels.

Although nearly 70 years old,

she is still as energetic as a young girl.

In her dressing,

we see a woman who remains fresh, capable, bright and fashionable.

I believe everyone who sees her

will be intoxicated by her unique and elegant temperament.

There is also a television series “Hunting Ground” which many people have watched not long ago.

Hu Ge is dressed in suits in this play, providing guidelines for professional dress.

Indeed, no matter men or women, regardless of age,

people who are exquisite are always more popular.

So we should pay attention to every detail.

Details also determine the success or failure of your professional image.

Principle 4 Principles of T. P. O. R.

As for the business attire,

there are important principles of T. P. O. R.

Ms. Li, I have heard of the T.P.O. principle.

T stands for time.

for example, clothes in summer cannot be worn in winter.

P stands for place,

which means clothing for business, leisure and social occasions should differ.

You cannot go to business talks in evening dress, right?

O stands for objects.

For example, if you want to make a mature and responsible impression on the other party,

you should choose to wear a professional suit.

If you go to a dinner party and you want to give people a lively and lovely feeling,

you can choose short skirt instead of long skirt.

I agree. We should pay attention to the time, occasion and purpose of dressing first.

In addition, there is an R standing for role,

which is what your role is.

Let us take a look at the differences and characteristics of the following women’s professional dress.

Company executive—Andy.

She is a representative of returnees with high IQ,

an efficient and accurate female elite in the workplace,

who is at the top of the company.

Her image and clothes are like a sound business card, which is passed around loudly:

She is capable and intelligent, but with a little bit of femininity.

Her clothing style is neat and full of vigor,

and her excellence is shown in details.

Black, white and gray are her main colors.

All kinds of suits and waistcoats are necessary items for her work.

Middle Manager (HR Manager)—Fan Shengmei.

Her clothes contain her differences,

which are fashionable and have a certain sense of design.

As a HR manager,

she conveys the atmosphere and affinity in her own character.

EQ is so high that it has a little mind reading skill.

She seems a bit vain and cold,

but in fact, she is kind and warm-heated,

and has own opinions on people beauty.

Workplace newcomers—Yingying Qiu and Juer Guan

Mrs. Qiu is optimistic, determined and initiative.

Her clothing image silently expresses the values of this newcomer in the workplace:

comfortable, bold and casual, with a little willfulness.

Mrs. Guan is gentle and moderate.

Just leaving the university and first stepping into the workplace,

she behaves cautiously as a good girl.

Entrepreneur—Qu Xiaoxiao

She is easy-going.

Her costumes in the play are more in pursuit of design,

or exaggerated tailoring or colors with extremely high contrast.

Each set shows the features of being free and unrestrained.
(A clip of “Ode To Joy”)

The professional dress should be selected according to

the role you play in different occupations and positions.

The reason why we appreciate the costumes of the leading characters in the play is that

they can match and highlight their own characteristics.

Well, you can imagine:

what would you do if your supervisor wearing a floral skirt and pink high heels today to question your performance this month?

Therefore, the clothes that do not conform to your own roles

are not professional and persuasive.

Business people should first understand their company’s culture and position,

so that they can dress in line with the company’s cultural background and their positions.

Therefore, it is one of the important principles of professional dress to define your role in the workplace,

and your professional image should conform to your role.

Well, students.

I believe you all understand the basic principles of professional dress through today’s lecture.

That is all for today, see you next time.


模块一 绪论


--礼仪绪论 小贴士





模块二 职业形象礼仪

-任务1 职业形象的重要性——七秒印象 ,以礼入职

--职业形象的重要性 小贴士

--七秒印象 ,以礼入职


-任务2 仪表礼仪——职场穿衣“变身记”

--职业着装基本原则 小贴士



--男士商务着装 小贴士



--女士商务着装 小贴士



-任务3 仪容礼仪——职场“易容术”

--护肤 小贴士



--职业妆容 小贴士





模块三 仪态举止礼仪

-任务1 体态礼仪——举手投足的惊叹

--体态礼仪 小贴士



-任务2 目光与微笑——宝贵的职场“表情包”

--目光与微笑 小贴士



-任务3 特殊的身体语言——隐形的标点符号

--特殊的身体语言 小贴士





阶段性作业1 内外兼修的职场人


模块四 位次排列礼仪

-任务1 位次排列的原则和方法——讲礼,就要先搞清楚次序问题!

--位次排列的原则和方法 小贴士



-任务2 行进引领礼仪——你的位置到底应该在哪里?

--行进引领礼仪 小贴士



-任务3 乘车座次礼仪——你“坐”对了吗?

--乘车座次礼仪 小贴士



-任务4 会议位次礼仪——找准上位不会错

--会议位次礼仪 小贴士



-任务5 宴会席位礼仪——得体座次让客人温暖如春

--中餐席位 小贴士



--西餐席位 小贴士





模块五 会面交往礼仪

-任务1 问候与称呼——提升人气初始化

--问候 小贴士



--称呼 小贴士



-任务2 见面礼——每个习俗都应该被尊重

--握手 小贴士



--拥抱 小贴士



--涉外见面礼 小贴士



-任务3 介绍——迅速融入新环境

--自我介绍 小贴士



--为他人作介绍 小贴士



-任务4 名片——形象的第二张脸

--名片 小贴士





模块六 沟通联络礼仪

-任务1 电话礼仪——让你不再害怕给上司打电话

--电话礼仪 小贴士



-任务2 手机礼仪——粗鲁的手机滥用者or礼貌的手机使用者

--手机礼仪 小贴士



-任务3 邮件礼仪——帮助你维护,而不是破坏关系

--邮件礼仪 小贴士



-任务4 微信社交礼仪——“见面扫一扫”时代

--微信社交礼仪 小贴士





模块七 商务宴会礼仪

-任务1 宴会邀请与准备——成功的邀约是一切的开端!

--宴会邀请与准备 小贴士



-任务2 中餐宴请礼仪——中国人不会吃中餐,你信吗?

--中餐菜品 小贴士



--中餐酒水礼仪 小贴士



--中餐餐具的使用 小贴士



--中餐用餐礼仪 小贴士



-任务3 西餐宴请礼仪——融入世界从西餐开始

--西餐餐具的暗示 小贴士



--西餐七道菜 小贴士



--西餐饮酒礼仪 小贴士



--西餐进餐守则 小贴士





阶段性作业2 礼仪思维与收获分享


模块八 接待拜访礼仪

-任务1 商务接待——热情待客知多少

--日常接待 小贴士



--隆重接待 小贴士



-任务2 商务拜访——拜访也要有讲究

--公司拜访1 小贴士



--公司拜访2 小贴士



--居所拜访 小贴士



-任务3 商务馈赠——适合的,才是最好的!

--商务馈赠 小贴士





模块九 求职面试礼仪

-任务1 求职前准备——万事俱备到底都备啥?

--审视自我 小贴士



--简历撰写 小贴士



-任务2 面试着装与举止——让胜算加倍的秘籍

--面试着装与举止 小贴士



-任务3 面试问答——正面交锋,以智取胜

--经典问题范本 小贴士



--尴尬情景化解 小贴士





模块十 商业演讲礼仪

-任务1 演讲前的准备——克服演讲恐惧

--演讲前的准备 小贴士



-任务2 演讲时的礼仪——魅力风采的展示

--演讲时的礼仪 小贴士




--礼仪谢幕 小贴士






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