当前课程知识点:IT行业职场英语 >  Unit 2 History of IT Industry 行业历史 >  2.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习 >  unit 2-2HISTORY OF THE INTERNET



下一节:unit 2 a brief history of AR


unit 2-2HISTORY OF THE INTERNET课程教案、知识点、字幕

Hey there~ Welcome to life Noggin.

Thanks to this wonderful thing called internet, you are watching this video right now.

But how did the internet get to where it is today?

There is so much internet history that we could not possibly get to everything in this short video

So we are definitely going to make a second one.

Anyway, let¡¯s get started. The internet actually got started over 50 years ago.

And computers back then filled up the entire rooms.

Scientists and researchers used it for years to communicate during the cold war.

It was useful because if one computer went down, the others wouldn¡¯t follow

In 1962, a scientist, J.C.R. LICKLIDER proposed the idea of a networked computer

that could talk to one another

In 1969 the first ever message was sent from one computer to another over the APPANET,

the government¡¯s computer network at the time

APPANET stands for advanced research projects agency.

One was located in the research Lab in UCLA and the other at Stanford.

All the messages sent was logged in, and it didn¡¯t fail the crashed network.

Stanford only received the first two letters of the message.

But, hey, you got to start somewhere

By the end of the year, only four computers were connected to this network.

In 1971, the university of Hawaii¡¯s Aloha net was added,

followed by various networks in London and Norway two years later.

Also happening in 1971, Ray Tomlinson was developing 1st system to send mail back

and forth between users of the APPENNET.

This would eventually be called electric mail or email for short.

The @(at) symbol was used to tell a person¡¯s name and a host name apart.

With all of the networks floating around,

there needed a way for all of computers on them to communicate with other networks.

This is where a computer scientist named Vinton Cerf comes in.

He invented a way that introduce computers across the globe to each other in a virtual space.

This invention was called transmission control protocol or TCP,

which was followed by internet protocol or IP.

In the 80s, scientist used Cerf¡¯s protocol to send data back and forth,

but the 90s is where all these began.

in 1991, a computer programmer named Tim Bernes-Lee invented the world wide web.

This wasn¡¯t just a dead sharing space for scientists anymore, this was an entire network

You are using the browser right now to watch this video, some of the popular ones are firefox,

google chrome or safari, but in 1992, Erwise was created,

Erwise was an internet browser and the 1st to have a graphical interface.

A few browsers came before and after,

but in 1993 Mosaic was created and it would popularize surfing the web.

Mosaic influence many of browsers to follow including Netscape Navigator in 1994,

this became the most popular web browser

at the time accounting for 90% of web usage in 1995.

In the early 90s companies like AOL

and CompuServe started to provide dial-up internet access.

Dial-up is the method of connecting to the internet via the telephone line.

Your telephone line was plugged into a modem; the other end was plugged into a phone jack.

There was a period in history when you couldn¡¯t use your

telephone and internet at the same time. Without the internet, we obviously

wouldn¡¯t be able to access people from around the world in few seconds

Share ideas and educate those who might not get a chance elsewhere.

Also without the internet, I¡¯d actually have to talk to someone when I order a pizza.

Which, by the way, was the 1st thing ever purchased on the internet.

How would your life be different without the internet?

This is from life Noggin. Don¡¯t forget to keep on thinking.


Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry 行业概览

-1.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--1.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-1.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-1.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--presentation etiquette

--presentation etiquette

--workplace writing

--good writing on job


-1.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 1Jobs 1984 macintosh

--unit 1 How the Software Industry Redefines Product Management


Unit 2 History of IT Industry 行业历史

-2.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--2.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-2.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-2.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--active listening

--smart reading


--Active Listening

--Workplace Reading Skills

-2.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习



--unit 2 a brief history of AR


Unit 3 Milestones and Giants in IT Industry 行业里程碑

-3.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--3.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-3.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-3.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--professional communication etiquette new staff


--speed reading

--Techniques For Speed Reading

--Workplace Etiquette for new staff

-3.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 3 Can HP Change its DNA_

--unit 3 LinusTorvalds_the man behind Linux

Unit 4 Working Process of IT Industry行业工作流程

-4.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--4.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-4.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-4.3 Skills Training 技能训练


--memo writing

--teleconference listening

--Effective Teleconference

--Writing A Memo

-4.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 4 Embracing Agile

--unit 4-1Introduction to Scrum - 7 Minutes [English]

--unit 4-2 Product Design & Development Process Animation by Lumium


Unit 5 Features of IT Product 产品特色

-5.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--5.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-5.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-5.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--American and british accents

--reading brochure


--Product brochure

--Difference between American and British accents

-5.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 5-1 six Best Accounting Software 2016

--unit 5-2 steven jobs

--unit 5 Apple’s Secret_ It Tells Us What We Should Love


Unit 6 IT Corporate Culture 企业文化

-6.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--6.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-6.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-6.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--canadian australian accent

--understanding organizations 0406


--Australian English

--Canadian Accents

--Understanding of Organizations

-6.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 6-1 Simon Sinek- How great leaders inspire action

--unit 6-2 Corporate Culture Apple example

--unit 6 What Is Organizational Culture_ And Why Should We Care_


Unit 7 Communication in IT Industry 行业沟通

-7.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--7.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-7.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-7.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--asian accent

--reading emails


--Managing E-mails

--Nonnative English Asian Accent

-7.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 7 Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

--unit 7 figure Out Your Manager’s Communication Style


Unit 8 Teamwork in IT Industry 行业团队合作

-8.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--8.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-8.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-8.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--writing an email

--small talk


--Etiquette for small talk

--Writing emails on job

-8.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 8-1 4Cs for teamwork

--unit 8-2 common mistakes made by newly promoted supervisors

--unit 8 Managing Multicultural Teams


Unit 9 Time Management in It Industry 行业时间管理

-9.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--9.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-9.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读


-9.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--attentive listening during interview

--common interview questions


--Attentive Listening in Interview


-9.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 9 How to Beat Procrastination

--unit9 30 days challenge


Unit 10 Preparing for the Interview 准备面试

-10.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--10.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-10.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-10.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--listening in a group interview

--writing a resume


--Listening in a group interview

--Write a resume when you have no work experience

-10.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 10-2 How to Work at Google- Prepare for an Engineering Interview

--unit 10-1Who Does What in the Tech Industry-

--unit 10 What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Focus on Before a Job Interview


Unit 11 Surviving in the Office 办公室生存技巧

-11.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--11.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-11.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-11.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--how to stand out in a group interview


--read job description

--How to stand out in a group interview

--Read Job Descriptions

-11.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit11Why good leaders make you feel safe

--unit 11 How to Talk About Office Politics with a New Colleague


Unit 12 Starting-up a Tech Company 开办一家技术公司

-12.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--12.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-12.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-12.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--make your resume beat the applicant tracking system

--professional communication etiquette for interview


--Make Your Resume Beat The Application Tracking Systems

--Reflection of Unit6

-12.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit12 The 15 Characteristics of Effective Entrepreneurs

--unit 12 Startups Need Relationships Before They Ask for Money




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