当前课程知识点:IT行业职场英语 >  Unit 2 History of IT Industry 行业历史 >  2.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习 >  unit 2-1COMPUTERS THAT CHANGED THE WORLD






Hey ladies and gentleman of YouTube
you're watching channel hot monkey and

today we're going to talk about
computers that change the world

they are everywhere around us and
without them life as we know it would be

a whole different story

so in this video we'll go back and take
a look at the ones that have the

greatest impact not just on the industry
but on how we live

we'll start from the turbulent times
between 1943 and 1945 when a series of

computers were developed by British
codebreakers the machines had one

specific purpose to deep crip high-level
german army messages during World War

Two as history would show the computers
developed within the program were a

great success and they became an
important source of all true

intelligence which had a significant
contribution to Allied victory even

though 10 of them were eventually build
each taking up a large room they are all

known by one name the Colossus the
Machine considered to be the first

electronic digital computer with
programmability it was designed by

engineer Tommy flowers and influenced by
Alan Turing's use of probability encrypt

analysis Colossus used vacuum tubes in
order to form boolean operation and also

require the physical manipulation of
telephone jack plugs chords and switches

in order for it to be programmed for new
tasks because the sole purpose of

Colossus was labeled as high-security it
remained a secret for nearly three

decades after World War Two it was
during the nineteen seventies that

information about the Machine became
public even though most of the Colossus

computers were dismantled a fully
functional replica was completed in

$MONTH 2007 and can now be seen at the
national museum of computing a fleshly

park UK while the British were using
Colossus computers to gain an advantage

against their war

enemies on the other side of the world
another computer was being designed for

military purposes the electronic
numerical integrator and computer better

known as the ENIAC funded by the US Army
the construction for any act was done in

top secrecy

it was built at the Moore School of
electronic engineering of the University

of Pennsylvania between 1943 and 1945
ENIAC was the first electronic

general-purpose computer turing-complete
digital and had the ability to

efficiently solve a large class of
numerical problems through reprogramming

it was primarily used for artillery
calculations for the US Army and also

had a role in the design of the hydrogen
bomb after being publicly announced in

$MONTH 1946 the historical computer was
often referred to as the big brain it

wait around 27 tons occupied a hundred
and sixty-seven square meters and

consumed hundred and 50 kilowatts of
electricity which led to the rumor that

whenever any act was used lights in
Philadelphia with dim sum theorists

believe that for a decade until a 1955
lightning strike any act may have easily

around more calculations and all mankind
had done up to that point in 1948 ENIAC

was improved with a storage programming
mechanism thanks to the concept

implemented in another historical
computing machine

introducing the Manchester baby the
world's first stored program computer

officially called the small-scale
experimental machine this computer ran

its first program on jun the 21st 1948
initially not being intended for

practical use it was used as a test for
the Williams tube an early form of

computer memory

unlike previous computers that required
physical manipulation for reprogramming

the Magister baby was capable of storing
program instructions in electronic


although considered small and primitive
by the standards of the time it was the

first working machine to contain all the
elements essential for a modern

electronic computer jump a couple of
decades forward and we start to see some

innovations that would eventually lead
to the age of the personal computer

even though it was never intended for
homes the xerox alto from 1973 could be

considered as one of the first pcs as it
was designed for individual use within

xerox facilities and several
universities it is also considered to be

the first computer to combine a
graphical user interface with a mouse

driven input invented by douglas
engelbart by including other features

like a keyboard removable data storage
networking what-you-see-is-what-you-get

printing an email the alto mark a
radical leave in the evolution of how

computers interact with people
influencing the development of future

computers that would eventually make
their ways into our homes and before we

knew it the first finally came knocking
on our door in 1975 MIT s released what

was recognized as the spark that ignited
the PC revolution the alt air 8800

running on an 8-bit intel 8080 cpu and a
256 fight memory the altar was sold and

build it yourself kits for less than
four hundred dollars instead of a

keyboard it had toggle switches for
input and its display consisted of

nothing more than a front facing panel
with LED indicators designer and Roberts

initially intended to sell a few hundred
kids to hobbyists but was taken by

surprise after the sales were counted by
the thousands in just the first month at

the time of its release be all tear also
grab the attention of two young

programmers who would soon right the
computers first programming language all

tear basic in the years to come

the two young programmers would form a
company that will make another epochal

impact on the history of computing the
company's name was microsoft

it wouldn't take long for personal
computers to adopt characteristics that

Xerox didn't commercialize with the
aalto one company that would follow that

concept was Apple

in 1976 apple released the apple
computer 1 which was designed by steve

wozniak but the real boom from this
company came one year later with the

release of Apple to the computer that
would set the standards for pcs of the

time after being introduced in 1977 at
the west coast computer fair by Steve

Jobs it became one of the first highly
successful mass-produce microcomputer

products it came with a micro processor
running at one thing that hurts to game

paddles four kilobytes of RAM an
audiocassette interface for loading

programs and storing data as well as the
integer basic programming language built

into the roms the Apple to was also one
of the first computers with a color

display another thing that made it stand
out was its expansion capabilities made

possible by its aight expansion slots
the core philosophy of the Apple to

computer may be best described by the
beginning of a detailed description

steve wozniak row for his design to me a
personal computer should be small

reliable convenient to use and
inexpensive the model was released in a

series of computers whose production ran
all the way to 1993 at which point they

sold in nearly six million units jump a
few years forward and we get the IBM

5150 a product that was so successful it
actually change how people thought of a


even though the generic term personal
computer was in use before because of

the success of the IBM personal computer
the term pc came to mean more

specifically a desktop microcomputer
compatible with IBM's pc products after

developing the computer in 12 months
faster than any other hardware product

in its history

IBM released the personal computer in
august of $YEAR 1981 the IBM PC was

powered by an intel 8088 micro processor
running at 4.77 megahertz and contained

40k of read-only memory and 16k of user
memory the operating system pc daus was

not available on cassette so the basic
system could only run the microsoft

basic programming language it had a
starting price of 1565 dollars for a

basic home version that attach to an
audio tape cassette player and a

television set for extra options like
its own display a printer does get

drives and extra memory customers would
have to pay extra for reference two

decades earlier and IBM computer would
cost as much as nine million dollars and

required a staff of 60 people to keep it
functioning today most computer

historians agree that the IBM 5150 was
the computer that launched the PC

revolution IBM may have launched it but
many believe that it was apple who took

the industry to a whole new level that
we know and use to this day as we saw

earlier the first computer to present a
mouse driven graphical user interface

was the xerox alto but with xerox then
commercialize with the alto Apple

revolutionized with the first
mass-market personal computer featuring

an integral graphical user interface and
mouse you guessed it the Macintosh

hardware-wise the Macintosh was powered
by a motorola 68000 that ran at seven .

ne3 megahertz initially it came with a
hundred and twenty-eight k ram of memory

but after it became obvious that this
was insufficient apple released a 512k

around version often called the fat Mac
that i mentioned that it had no hard

drive but where this computer truly
shine was its user interface before the

Mac using computers was not as simple as
we know today to access any program you

would have to have knowledge of proper
command lines once you have them running

the only way you can interact with them
was using the keyboard with the mac on

the other hand starting a program with
simply depend on you finding a program

icon and double-clicking it using your
mouse price that 2495 dollars the mac

was not a cheap computer

despite what your generations might
think it actually didn't really have an

instant success it was expensive there
weren't many programs for it and tools

for desktop publishing had not yet been
developed but that didn't matter all

that much because very soon everything
fell into place for apple in the

Macintosh whether it's because of true
innovation or simply thanks to good

marketing to this day the original
Macintosh is considered by many to be be

computer that changed everything


the history modern computers is filled
with many great machines that had a

great impact on the world around us and
the way people get things done in

everyday life because of their impact on
the world we can say without a doubt

that they truly are one of the most
important things that man invented hope

you enjoyed the video

this is channel hot monkey signing off
stay strong


Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry 行业概览

-1.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--1.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-1.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-1.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--presentation etiquette

--presentation etiquette

--workplace writing

--good writing on job


-1.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 1Jobs 1984 macintosh

--unit 1 How the Software Industry Redefines Product Management


Unit 2 History of IT Industry 行业历史

-2.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--2.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-2.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-2.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--active listening

--smart reading


--Active Listening

--Workplace Reading Skills

-2.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习



--unit 2 a brief history of AR


Unit 3 Milestones and Giants in IT Industry 行业里程碑

-3.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--3.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-3.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-3.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--professional communication etiquette new staff


--speed reading

--Techniques For Speed Reading

--Workplace Etiquette for new staff

-3.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 3 Can HP Change its DNA_

--unit 3 LinusTorvalds_the man behind Linux

Unit 4 Working Process of IT Industry行业工作流程

-4.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--4.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-4.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-4.3 Skills Training 技能训练


--memo writing

--teleconference listening

--Effective Teleconference

--Writing A Memo

-4.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 4 Embracing Agile

--unit 4-1Introduction to Scrum - 7 Minutes [English]

--unit 4-2 Product Design & Development Process Animation by Lumium


Unit 5 Features of IT Product 产品特色

-5.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--5.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-5.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-5.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--American and british accents

--reading brochure


--Product brochure

--Difference between American and British accents

-5.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 5-1 six Best Accounting Software 2016

--unit 5-2 steven jobs

--unit 5 Apple’s Secret_ It Tells Us What We Should Love


Unit 6 IT Corporate Culture 企业文化

-6.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--6.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-6.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-6.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--canadian australian accent

--understanding organizations 0406


--Australian English

--Canadian Accents

--Understanding of Organizations

-6.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 6-1 Simon Sinek- How great leaders inspire action

--unit 6-2 Corporate Culture Apple example

--unit 6 What Is Organizational Culture_ And Why Should We Care_


Unit 7 Communication in IT Industry 行业沟通

-7.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--7.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-7.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-7.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--asian accent

--reading emails


--Managing E-mails

--Nonnative English Asian Accent

-7.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 7 Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

--unit 7 figure Out Your Manager’s Communication Style


Unit 8 Teamwork in IT Industry 行业团队合作

-8.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--8.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-8.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-8.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--writing an email

--small talk


--Etiquette for small talk

--Writing emails on job

-8.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 8-1 4Cs for teamwork

--unit 8-2 common mistakes made by newly promoted supervisors

--unit 8 Managing Multicultural Teams


Unit 9 Time Management in It Industry 行业时间管理

-9.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--9.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-9.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读


-9.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--attentive listening during interview

--common interview questions


--Attentive Listening in Interview


-9.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 9 How to Beat Procrastination

--unit9 30 days challenge


Unit 10 Preparing for the Interview 准备面试

-10.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--10.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-10.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-10.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--listening in a group interview

--writing a resume


--Listening in a group interview

--Write a resume when you have no work experience

-10.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 10-2 How to Work at Google- Prepare for an Engineering Interview

--unit 10-1Who Does What in the Tech Industry-

--unit 10 What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Focus on Before a Job Interview


Unit 11 Surviving in the Office 办公室生存技巧

-11.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--11.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-11.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-11.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--how to stand out in a group interview


--read job description

--How to stand out in a group interview

--Read Job Descriptions

-11.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit11Why good leaders make you feel safe

--unit 11 How to Talk About Office Politics with a New Colleague


Unit 12 Starting-up a Tech Company 开办一家技术公司

-12.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--12.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-12.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-12.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--make your resume beat the applicant tracking system

--professional communication etiquette for interview


--Make Your Resume Beat The Application Tracking Systems

--Reflection of Unit6

-12.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit12 The 15 Characteristics of Effective Entrepreneurs

--unit 12 Startups Need Relationships Before They Ask for Money




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