当前课程知识点:IT行业职场英语 >  Unit 10 Preparing for the Interview 准备面试 >  10.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习 >  unit 10-1Who Does What in the Tech Industry-


unit 10-1Who Does What in the Tech Industry-在线视频

下一节:unit 10 What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Focus on Before a Job Interview


unit 10-1Who Does What in the Tech Industry-课程教案、知识点、字幕

hey i'm ryan one of the co-founders a
treehouse and if you've ever considered

building an app or making a website you
are probably wondering how does this

whole world fit together you know what
do i need to learn what tools do i need

to use

how does all fit together so that the
basic premises you have mobile apps you

have websites and you have web apps and
depending on what you want to build

you'll learn different things so let's
say that you're interested in building

mobile apps you know those are things
like snapchat or Instagram or games

if you want to build a mobile app then
you decide which type of phone or mobile


do you want to use so do you wanna have
it available in an iphone and ipad or on

an android phone or android tablet once
you decide

yep on a build an iphone app for
instance then you learn something called

iOS you need a mac to do that and then
you use a tool that's free and it's

called Xcode and you make apps using a
language called objective-c the way you

sell those apps in the App Store so you
upload it to the app store

and then Apple okay is it or doesn't
hopefully they'll hit and then it goes

in the store and then you can charge
real money for that and launch your app

that way

the next thing is if you decide well i'd
i'd rather make an android app

yeah I'm you know I for a nexus phone or
a nexus tablet then you are building for

android android is the operating system
of those devices and the tool that you

use is usually something like eclipse or
something new that's gonna be launched

in called Android studio the actual
language that you use to build those

apps is called Java so that is that the
basic idea of mobile apps you code in

these specific languages in these
specific tools and then people download

your apps in the App Store and they pay
for them that way

now say instead you would rather build a
website so you want to build a website

for your restaurant or for your dad's
business or for your school

the tools that you use to build websites
are basically a text editor and then you

save your files and then you upload them
to the internet the languages you need

to learn are called HTML CSS and a
little bit of JavaScript

those are some of the easiest things to
learn initially you don't have to do a

lot of programming or or a lot of
technical things they're fairly

straightforward so that's a little
website now say that you want to build a

website but you want to you want people
to interact with it you want them to log

in or you want them to you know friend
people or like things or create accounts

all those things really turned that
website into a web application

you know something that you interact
with and examples that are you know

things like Facebook Google Maps is a
good example

it's something that's very interactive
so if you want to build something like


first of all you pick a language to
build it in and a treehouse we guide you

down that path which language you should
pick but your choices are things like

Ruby PHP Python

there's there's more but those are some
of the most common ones and then once

you pick a language then you would also
pick a database and a database is

basically a thing that holds all them

nation in the site so when you create an

i'm in a password that is stored in the

the tools that used to make web apps are
also text based so you have a text

editor and then you save your files and
then you upload them to the internet

it's similar to making a website but you
use more powerful languages to make

things happen

so we've covered so far mobile apps
websites and web apps now let's talk a

little bit more about the types of jobs
that you might get in those fields so

all three of those things require three
types of people

the first is a designer and the second
is a front-end developer and the third

is a developer i'll briefly talk about
what each of those people do so

a designer thinks about the way things
look and and how they work and they use

tools like photoshop illustrator various
tools like that and they design and they

make it look great and then they handed
over to the next person which is a

front-end developer and a front-end
developer is someone who takes that

design and then they

chop it up and they translate it into
code and they use tools like HTML CSS

and JavaScript now what's happening more
and more though is designers in front

end developers are becoming the same

so a treehouse we only hire designers
that are also front-end developers so

eventually it really pays off to know
both those skills and then you have back

end developers so front end developer
will chop up the design and make it


but it won't actually work you can look
at it but you can't actually log in or

you can actually create an account that
type of thing

so the back end developer takes that and
then they'd wire it up

quote unquote they connected to the
database they write code to make the the

app actually work and function

they're using tools like Ruby Python PHP
Java things like that so that is the

basic overview of how this fits together
it can be confusing at first but once

you understand that there's these basic
buckets you know

okay i want to make an a mobile app or I
want to make a website or i want to make

a web app once you decide which of those
three things you want to do then you can

go down a track and learn it and that's
why a treehouse we make it very simple

to go down a track and we tell you
exactly what you need to know and and in

what order you need to learn it so
thanks for watching hope that that

clarifies this kind of confusing and
overwhelming world of technology and

it's something that is actually pretty
straightforward him and we hope that you

come and learn with us




Unit 1 Overview of IT Industry 行业概览

-1.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--1.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-1.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-1.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--presentation etiquette

--presentation etiquette

--workplace writing

--good writing on job


-1.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 1Jobs 1984 macintosh

--unit 1 How the Software Industry Redefines Product Management


Unit 2 History of IT Industry 行业历史

-2.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--2.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-2.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-2.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--active listening

--smart reading


--Active Listening

--Workplace Reading Skills

-2.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习



--unit 2 a brief history of AR


Unit 3 Milestones and Giants in IT Industry 行业里程碑

-3.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--3.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-3.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-3.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--professional communication etiquette new staff


--speed reading

--Techniques For Speed Reading

--Workplace Etiquette for new staff

-3.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 3 Can HP Change its DNA_

--unit 3 LinusTorvalds_the man behind Linux

Unit 4 Working Process of IT Industry行业工作流程

-4.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--4.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-4.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-4.3 Skills Training 技能训练


--memo writing

--teleconference listening

--Effective Teleconference

--Writing A Memo

-4.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 4 Embracing Agile

--unit 4-1Introduction to Scrum - 7 Minutes [English]

--unit 4-2 Product Design & Development Process Animation by Lumium


Unit 5 Features of IT Product 产品特色

-5.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--5.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-5.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-5.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--American and british accents

--reading brochure


--Product brochure

--Difference between American and British accents

-5.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 5-1 six Best Accounting Software 2016

--unit 5-2 steven jobs

--unit 5 Apple’s Secret_ It Tells Us What We Should Love


Unit 6 IT Corporate Culture 企业文化

-6.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--6.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-6.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-6.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--canadian australian accent

--understanding organizations 0406


--Australian English

--Canadian Accents

--Understanding of Organizations

-6.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 6-1 Simon Sinek- How great leaders inspire action

--unit 6-2 Corporate Culture Apple example

--unit 6 What Is Organizational Culture_ And Why Should We Care_


Unit 7 Communication in IT Industry 行业沟通

-7.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--7.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-7.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-7.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--asian accent

--reading emails


--Managing E-mails

--Nonnative English Asian Accent

-7.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 7 Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are

--unit 7 figure Out Your Manager’s Communication Style


Unit 8 Teamwork in IT Industry 行业团队合作

-8.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--8.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-8.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-8.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--writing an email

--small talk


--Etiquette for small talk

--Writing emails on job

-8.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 8-1 4Cs for teamwork

--unit 8-2 common mistakes made by newly promoted supervisors

--unit 8 Managing Multicultural Teams


Unit 9 Time Management in It Industry 行业时间管理

-9.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--9.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-9.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读


-9.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--attentive listening during interview

--common interview questions


--Attentive Listening in Interview


-9.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 9 How to Beat Procrastination

--unit9 30 days challenge


Unit 10 Preparing for the Interview 准备面试

-10.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--10.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-10.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-10.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--listening in a group interview

--writing a resume


--Listening in a group interview

--Write a resume when you have no work experience

-10.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit 10-2 How to Work at Google- Prepare for an Engineering Interview

--unit 10-1Who Does What in the Tech Industry-

--unit 10 What You Should (and Shouldn’t) Focus on Before a Job Interview


Unit 11 Surviving in the Office 办公室生存技巧

-11.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--11.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-11.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-11.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--how to stand out in a group interview


--read job description

--How to stand out in a group interview

--Read Job Descriptions

-11.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit11Why good leaders make you feel safe

--unit 11 How to Talk About Office Politics with a New Colleague


Unit 12 Starting-up a Tech Company 开办一家技术公司

-12.1 Unit overview 单元概述

--12.1 Unit overview 单元概述

-12.2 Cultural Reading 文化阅读



-12.3 Skills Training 技能训练

--make your resume beat the applicant tracking system

--professional communication etiquette for interview


--Make Your Resume Beat The Application Tracking Systems

--Reflection of Unit6

-12.4 Expertise Development 拓展学习

--unit12 The 15 Characteristics of Effective Entrepreneurs

--unit 12 Startups Need Relationships Before They Ask for Money


unit 10-1Who Does What in the Tech Industry-笔记与讨论


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