当前课程知识点:实用英语写作 >  第二章 常用文体写作策略 >  2.4.3 说明文:因果分析法 >  视频+讲稿+课件




大家好!欢迎来到《实用英语写作》在线课程。今天我们学习说明文写作方法之因果分析法: Development by cause and effect analysis

因果关系是世界上事物之间一种特定的、必然的关系。一个事物要存在,必然有其原因;而一件事情发生后,必然会产生某种结果。因果分析说明文就是通过分析事情之间因果关系阐明事物性质或经过的文章。因果分析法广泛用于各种场合,尤其是在大学英语写作中使用非常频繁。那么因果分析说明文有哪些写作模式呢?因果分析法在文中如何展开呢?Let’s begin our class.


Every day we ask questions and look for answers. We realize that many actions do not occur without causes, and we realize also that a given action can have a series of good or bad effects. Cause-and-effect essays explore why things happen and what happens as a result. They focus on either the causes of something or the effects after something has happened.

There are two basic patterns of writing a cause and effect essay. (1) The first one is the logic pattern of a cause-and-effect essay featuring causes. Please look at the following chart.

Here, three causes lead to one effect.

Cause 1

Cause 2            Effect

Cause 3

(2) The second one is the logic pattern of a cause-and-effect essay featuring effects. Please look at another chart.

                  Effect 1

Cause             Effect 2

                        Effect 3

Here, one cause may bring about three effects.

Besides two structural patterns, there are some language tips for you. When writing a cause-and-effect essay, we should try to avoid using because and as a result repeatedly. We can use some other transitional words and phrases, such as since, thus, hence, consequently, therefore, accordingly, because of, for that reason, due to, so …that, such … that, result from, lead to, contribute to, cause, result in, be the reason for, be the consequence of and so on.


Now, let’s take an example and see how the essay develops by cause and effect analysis. The topic is Why Do People Learn the Chinese Language. It’s a cause-and-effect essay focusing on causes. Before writing the essay, make an outline and have a clear structure of the essay.



Thesis statement (effect): In recent years more and more foreigners are beginning to take an interest in the Chinese language.


Cause 1: China’s ancient culture has attracted many people in the world.

Cause 2: China is enjoying rapid economic growth, and its economic and cultural exchange with other countries has increased continuously.

Cause 3: The Chinese language itself has charm in its characters and pronunciation.

Conclusion: The Chinese language is sure to spread more widely in the world.


The first part is introduction. There is the thesis statement, the effect: In recent years more and more foreigners are beginning to take an interest in the Chinese language. The second part is body of the essay. There are three causes….The third part is conclusion: The Chinese language is sure to spread more widely in the world.


Now, let’s read paragraph one, the introduction.

In recent years more and more foreigners are beginning to take an interest in the Chinese language. According to a survey, Chinese language courses are given in more than 3,000 schools in over 109 foreign countries. (Thesis statement)

In the introduction, the author puts forward the thesis statement, which briefly describes the effect.

Next, let’s go to the body to see how the essay develops.

There are various factors for the widespread interest in Chinese. One of the most common causes is that China’s ancient culture has attracted many people in the world. More and more foreigners are becoming interested in this oriental country and enjoying its splendid culture. To understand and study this culture, one must learn the Chinese language. Another contributing cause is that China is enjoying rapid economic growth, and its economic and cultural exchange with other countries has increased continuously. Consequently, people who can speak Chinese will be popular in job market. Perhaps the primary factor is that the Chinese language itself has charm in its characters and pronunciation.The picturesque Chinese characters arouse in some foreigners a sense of beauty and are considered attractive. The pronunciation of Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua) is so beautiful and musical that it has attracted many foreigners to learn. (Three causes)

In body, the author analyzes three causes and uses some connecting words: one of the most common causes is…, another contributing cause is…, Perhaps the primary factor is…, consequently.  It’s very coherent and makes the thought flow smoothly.

Now let’s go to the conclusion.

Therefore, the Chinese language will become a more important language in the world. As China will open further to the outside world, its language is sure to spread more widely in the world.

Here, in the last paragraph, the author draws a conclusion and emphasizes the effect of the causes.


Now in addition, let’s discuss another pattern of writing, an essay focusing on effects. For example, write an essay on the Topic: The effects of getting married in college.

First, think about the structure of the essay. And then make the outline, which may be like this.



Thesis statement: Getting married in college will bring about dramatic harmful effects on students ‘development.


Effect 1: Maintaining a marriage would do nothing but disturb students’ pursuit of education.

Effect 2: Supporting a family is surely a heavy economic burden to both students and their parents.

Effect 3: Raising a child may be difficult for young parents.


College students are supposed to achieve academic success, so they should not marry young.


The first part is Introduction. There is the thesis statement…. The second part is Body. We may have three effects. …. And the third part is Conclusion….

Well, after class you can practice writing this essay according the outline above and what we leaned today.


Ok, today we have learned the writing method: Development by cause and effect. Hope you can use it in your own writing. And remember: Practice makes perfect.


All right, we’ll stop here. Thank you. See you next time








第一章 英语写作基础知识

-1.1 “好”词那么多,我该选哪个?




-1.2.1 "好"句那么多,我该选哪个?




-1.2.2 "句子"问题那么多,我能逃过几个?



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.1 必要的连接词,你会用吗?




-1.3.2 八问搞定主题句



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.3 SWB段落扩展法



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.4 段落内部的亲戚关系




第二章 常用文体写作策略

-2.1 英语短文结构:层次清楚三部分




-2.2 记叙文:叙述得当有办法




-2.3 描写文:描写生动有技巧




-2.4.1 说明文:举例法




-2.4.2 说明文:过程分析法




-2.4.3 说明文:因果分析法




-2.4.4 说明文:比较和对照法




-2.5 议论文:论证充分有力度




第三章 应用文写作技巧

-3.1 英文书信:交流必备小常识




-3.2 英文履历: 双语形象的敲门砖




-3.3 个人陈述:如何推销你自己

-- 个人陈述视频+讲稿+课件



-3.4 竞选演说:如何表达更出色

-- 竞选演说视频+讲稿+课件



-3.5 海报:如何宣传更有效

--海报 视频+讲稿+课件



第四章 大学英语四、六级写作应考锦囊

-4.1 小白三连问:考什么?怎么考?怎么评?




-4.2 提纲作文:让咱写啥就写啥!




-4.3 话题作文:各有利弊,择其一!




-4.4 格言作文:大道理且听我慢慢道来!




-4.5 图示作文:涂涂画画终归还是谈热点!




-4.6 书信作文:亲爱的,我有话对你说!




-4.7 其他作文:百变不离其宗,说清楚即可!








第五章 考研英语写作妙计

-5.1 小白三连问:考什么? 怎么考?怎么评?

-- 视频+讲稿+课件



-5.2 考研小作文:“三步走”和“五要素”




-5.3 大作文:话题归类找模板




第六章 雅思考试写作法宝


--雅思考什么 视频+讲稿+课件




-6.2 大作文:论述观点有技巧

--雅思大作文 视频+讲稿+课件



-6.3 小作文:描述信息有重点

--雅思小作文 视频+讲稿+课件





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