当前课程知识点:实用英语写作 >  第二章 常用文体写作策略 >  2.5 议论文:论证充分有力度 >  视频+讲稿+课件




大家好!欢迎来到《实用英语写作》在线课程。今天我们学习议论文写作: 论证充分有力度。

议论文是一种议论说理的文章,以抽象的思维模式,通过运用概念、判断、推理等逻辑形式来论证作者的观点,通常是一些有争议的观点。写议论文一般有三个目的:第一,说服读者同意某个观点;第二,为某个观点辩护,证明该观点的正确性;第三,反驳自己认为错误的、不真实的、有误导性的观点。在近年来的托福、雅思、四六级等各种英语考试中,议论文是经常出现的一种文体。那么我们如何才能做到论证充分呢?写好议论文的步骤有哪些呢?Let’s begin our class.


While the purpose of exposition is to inform, the purpose of argumentation is to convince. A typical argumentative essay consists of three parts: an introduction which introduces the issue to be discussed and puts forward the thesis statement; a body which presents the evidence; and a conclusion in which the thesis is reaffirmed.

While writing an argumentative essay, you can follow these steps.

Step 1: choose a position. Know the purpose of your essay, and be clear about which side of the issue you are going to write and what solution you will offer.

Step 2: analyze the audience. Decide if your readers are going to agree or disagree with your position. Think about possible opposing viewpoints.

Step 3: research the topic. A persuasive essay must provide specific and convincing evidence. Often it is necessary to do some research on the topic.

Step 4: organize the essay. The evidence you provide should be arranged: from the least to the most important; from the most familiar to the least familiar; and from the easiest to accept to the most difficult.

But do you know how to prove your viewpoint strongly? First, use sufficient evidence. Your evidence may include common knowledge, specific examples, facts, statistics, and quotations from authorities. Second, have sound logic. It is even more important to argumentation than to any other types of writing. All the facts and reasons that are given as evidence should be logically connected with each other.

And do you know how to convince the readers? Because argumentation assumes controversy, readers may have different viewpoints from you. The following five strategies may help you win over the readers.

(1) Use tactful and courteous language.

(2) Point out common ground.

(3) Acknowledge differing viewpoints.

(4) Rebut differing viewpoints.

(5) Use an honest and friendly attitude.


Now, let’s take an example to illustrate how to write a successful argumentation. The topic is Ban on Animal Testing.

Before writing the essay, we should make an outline and have a clear structure of the essay. Please have a look at the outline.



Thesis statement: Even though animals have made a large contribution to modern medicine, animal testing should be stopped because it is immoral, unreliable, and unnecessary.


Argument 1: Immoral

Argument 2: Unreliable

Argument 3: Unnecessary


In conclusion, inhumane, non-effective animal testing should be stopped immediately when tests could be done with alternative methods.

The first part is introduction. There is the thesis statement: Even though animals have made a large contribution to modern medicine, animal testing should be stopped for some reasons. The second part is body. There are three reasons. And the third part is conclusion.

Next, follow the outline to write the essay. And don’t forget the strategies to prove your viewpoint strongly.

Please read paragraph one, the introduction.

Animal testing is largely used in medical experiments today. Unfortunately, many animals are seriously harmed in the process. Even though animals have made a large contribution to modern medicine, animal testing should be stopped because it is immoral, unreliable, and unnecessary. (Thesis statement)

In the introduction, the author identifies the issue to be discussed and stateshis/her own position on it. The last sentence is the thesis statement.Pay attention to the word “should” in the thesis statement. The modal verbs must, would and should are often used here in argumentation.

Next, let’s go to the body to see how the essay develops.

First of all, animal testing is usually cruel and immoral. On experiments, innocent animals are going through so much pain and horror. It is absolutely wrong because animals should be free to live as any other creatures and they shouldn’t be taken away from their homes and natural habitats. Many animal tests are performed without any painkillers. Consequently, they lead to animals’ constant pain. (Argument 1)

In addition to being cruel, animal tests aren’t reliable. People and animals are different, and that’s why a medicine that appears safe for animals may not be safe for people or vice versa. One of the examples is Aspirin, which is poisonous to rats and mice but not to people in some cases. While many say that animal testing allows medicines to be created that will aid human life, there are many examples showing they also cause horrible deaths in humans. (Argument 2)

It is true that some drugs can be used on both animals and humans, but this does not mean that they have to be tested on animals in the first place when alternative methods are available. They include, for example, stem cell research. Living tissues can be grown in test tubes and new drugs can be tested on these. Computers can also be programmed to show how medicines will react in the human body. (Argument 3)

In the body, three arguments are presented. The first one is that animal testing is immoral. The second one is that animal tests aren’t reliable. And the third one is that it’s unnecessary to test on animals. The evidence is sufficient and convincing.

Now let’s go to the last paragraph.

In conclusion, inhumane, non-effective animal testing should be stopped immediately when tests could be done with alternative methods. Animals have the same rights as human beings. We can help save animals from suffering and death by donating only to medical research which doesn’t experiment on animals. (Conclusion)

Here in the conclusion, the thesis statement is reaffirmed. We can see the author’s viewpoint more clearly and impressively. At last the author gives us a call to action to help save animals. It’s a strong conclusion. \


OK, let’s make a summary of what we talk about today. We learn the steps to write an argumentative essay. And we talk about how to prove your viewpoint strongly and how to convince the readers. Hope you can put them into your own writing. Remember, Practice makes perfect.


All right, today we’ll stop here. Thank you for your attention. Good-bye.







第一章 英语写作基础知识

-1.1 “好”词那么多,我该选哪个?




-1.2.1 "好"句那么多,我该选哪个?




-1.2.2 "句子"问题那么多,我能逃过几个?



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.1 必要的连接词,你会用吗?




-1.3.2 八问搞定主题句



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.3 SWB段落扩展法



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.4 段落内部的亲戚关系




第二章 常用文体写作策略

-2.1 英语短文结构:层次清楚三部分




-2.2 记叙文:叙述得当有办法




-2.3 描写文:描写生动有技巧




-2.4.1 说明文:举例法




-2.4.2 说明文:过程分析法




-2.4.3 说明文:因果分析法




-2.4.4 说明文:比较和对照法




-2.5 议论文:论证充分有力度




第三章 应用文写作技巧

-3.1 英文书信:交流必备小常识




-3.2 英文履历: 双语形象的敲门砖




-3.3 个人陈述:如何推销你自己

-- 个人陈述视频+讲稿+课件



-3.4 竞选演说:如何表达更出色

-- 竞选演说视频+讲稿+课件



-3.5 海报:如何宣传更有效

--海报 视频+讲稿+课件



第四章 大学英语四、六级写作应考锦囊

-4.1 小白三连问:考什么?怎么考?怎么评?




-4.2 提纲作文:让咱写啥就写啥!




-4.3 话题作文:各有利弊,择其一!




-4.4 格言作文:大道理且听我慢慢道来!




-4.5 图示作文:涂涂画画终归还是谈热点!




-4.6 书信作文:亲爱的,我有话对你说!




-4.7 其他作文:百变不离其宗,说清楚即可!








第五章 考研英语写作妙计

-5.1 小白三连问:考什么? 怎么考?怎么评?

-- 视频+讲稿+课件



-5.2 考研小作文:“三步走”和“五要素”




-5.3 大作文:话题归类找模板




第六章 雅思考试写作法宝


--雅思考什么 视频+讲稿+课件




-6.2 大作文:论述观点有技巧

--雅思大作文 视频+讲稿+课件



-6.3 小作文:描述信息有重点

--雅思小作文 视频+讲稿+课件





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