当前课程知识点:实用英语写作 >  第二章 常用文体写作策略 >  2.3 描写文:描写生动有技巧 >  视频+讲稿+课件





描写文是用生动形象的语言把人物、景物或心里活动具体描绘出来的文体。描写与叙述有着密切的联系,常在文中结合使用,因为仅有叙述往往只能给读者留下一个总的、概括的印象。只有通过描写才能给人以如见其形、如闻其声、如临其境的具体感觉。那么在文章中描写生动的技巧是什么呢?如何写出优美的描写文呢?Let’s begin our class.

First, let’s talk about the skills to make a description vivid. There are many things in the world for us to describe. We can describe a person, a place, an object, or even something abstract like a feeling or a thought. But we should keep in mind that a good descriptive essay is to make the readers see, hear, smell, taste, or feel what we are writing about. So when making a description, we should use as many senses as possible. Chiefly we will use sight, but to some extent we may also be able to use hearing, smell, touch, and perhaps even taste. Remember that it is through the richness of our sensory impressions that the readers will gain a picture of a scene vividly.

Second, we should know the steps to write a beautiful descriptive essay. In the introduction, put forward the thesis statement which states your dominant impression about a subject. In the body of the essay, carefully select the most powerful supporting details and arrange them in the order of importance, time and so on. Remember: you are supposed to show, rather than tell, the subject to readers so that they can see and feel as you do. In the conclusion, draw together all of the details you give to provide a final impression, which should help reinforce the attitude revealed in the thesis statement.

Now, let’s take an example to see how to write a descriptive essay successfully. The topic is Huntington Beach.

Before writing the essay, we should make an outline and have a clear structure of the essay. Please have a look at the outline.



Thesis statement: The place where I feel most comfortable is my hometown of Huntington Beach.


Detail 1: The sights of Huntington Beach make me relax and calm.

Detail 2: The sounds of Huntington Beach are in perfect harmony.

Detail 3: Everything on Huntington Beach has its own unique feel.


I find Huntington Beach most comfortable because of its sights, sounds and its unique feel.

Next, follow the outline to write the essay. And don’t forget the skills to make a description vivid.

Please read paragraph one.

The place where I feel most comfortable is my hometown of Huntington Beach. Huntington Beach is in California about 40 miles south of Los Angeles. It is known as the surfing capital of the world and the best beach in Orange County. (Thesis statement)

Here in the introduction the author puts forward the thesis statement....And the dominant impression about the beach is most comfortable. It’s very impressive.

Now please read the body of the essay.

I relax as I watch the surfers gently glide over the tumbling ocean waves. The swaying palm trees and the rolling sand dunes calm me down. As I lie on the sand, I see kites rise above the clouds and soar gracefully in the wind. The fishermen cast their lines off the pier hoping to feel a tug and reel in a big fish. (Detail 1)

The sounds of Huntington Beach are in perfect harmony. Seagulls squawk as they soar overhead searching for food. The wind whistles through the beach like an arriving train. As the crash of the waves thunders through my ears, it brings me back to reality while I daydream. (Detail 2)

Everything on Huntington Beach has its own unique feel. The salty air blowing on my face feels wet and cool as it passes by. The feeling of the grainy sand is comforting to my feet as I walk across the shore. When I plunge into the ocean’s salty water, it feels refreshing to my skin, like a glass of water on a hot day. (Detail 3)

In the body, the author presents 3 details. Detail 1: The sights of Huntington Beach make me relax and calm. It’s the sense of sight. Detail 2: The sounds of Huntington Beach are in perfect harmony. It’s the sense of hearing. Detail 3: Everything on Huntington Beach has its own unique feel. It’s the sense of touch. Through the richness of the sensory impressions, the author gives us a clear picture of the beach. It’s very vivid and beautiful.

Now, let’s go to the conclusion of the essay.

I find Huntington Beach most comfortable because of its sights, sounds, and its unique feel. When I’m there, I feel totally relaxed as if I were in my own little world. (Conclusion)

Here, in the last paragraph, the author draws a conclusion: I find Huntington Beach most comfortable because of its sights, sounds and its unique feel. It’s a final impression, which helps reinforce the author’s idea in the thesis statement. Do you think it’s a very beautiful and successful descriptive essay?

OK, let’s make a summary of what we talk about today. We learn the important skills to make a description vivid. And we illustrate how to write a beautiful descriptive essay. Hope you can put them into your own writing. Practice makes perfect.

All right, today we’ll stop here. Thank you. See you next time.






第一章 英语写作基础知识

-1.1 “好”词那么多,我该选哪个?




-1.2.1 "好"句那么多,我该选哪个?




-1.2.2 "句子"问题那么多,我能逃过几个?



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.1 必要的连接词,你会用吗?




-1.3.2 八问搞定主题句



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.3 SWB段落扩展法



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.4 段落内部的亲戚关系




第二章 常用文体写作策略

-2.1 英语短文结构:层次清楚三部分




-2.2 记叙文:叙述得当有办法




-2.3 描写文:描写生动有技巧




-2.4.1 说明文:举例法




-2.4.2 说明文:过程分析法




-2.4.3 说明文:因果分析法




-2.4.4 说明文:比较和对照法




-2.5 议论文:论证充分有力度




第三章 应用文写作技巧

-3.1 英文书信:交流必备小常识




-3.2 英文履历: 双语形象的敲门砖




-3.3 个人陈述:如何推销你自己

-- 个人陈述视频+讲稿+课件



-3.4 竞选演说:如何表达更出色

-- 竞选演说视频+讲稿+课件



-3.5 海报:如何宣传更有效

--海报 视频+讲稿+课件



第四章 大学英语四、六级写作应考锦囊

-4.1 小白三连问:考什么?怎么考?怎么评?




-4.2 提纲作文:让咱写啥就写啥!




-4.3 话题作文:各有利弊,择其一!




-4.4 格言作文:大道理且听我慢慢道来!




-4.5 图示作文:涂涂画画终归还是谈热点!




-4.6 书信作文:亲爱的,我有话对你说!




-4.7 其他作文:百变不离其宗,说清楚即可!








第五章 考研英语写作妙计

-5.1 小白三连问:考什么? 怎么考?怎么评?

-- 视频+讲稿+课件



-5.2 考研小作文:“三步走”和“五要素”




-5.3 大作文:话题归类找模板




第六章 雅思考试写作法宝


--雅思考什么 视频+讲稿+课件




-6.2 大作文:论述观点有技巧

--雅思大作文 视频+讲稿+课件



-6.3 小作文:描述信息有重点

--雅思小作文 视频+讲稿+课件





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