当前课程知识点:实用英语写作 >  第二章 常用文体写作策略 >  2.4.4 说明文:比较和对照法 >  视频+讲稿+课件




大家好!欢迎来到《实用英语写作》在线课程。今天我们学习说明文写作方法之比较与对照法:Development by comparison and contrast

比较与对照法是为了分析两件事物的异同或突出强调某一事物的基本特征而常常采用的一种写作方法。比较法用于分析事物的共同点,对照法则用于分析两者的不同之处。在写作中,我们既可以只比较两件事物的共同点或者对照他们的差异,也可以同时探讨两者之间的相同和差异之处。那么,在进行比较与对照时我们需要注意什么呢?写比较与对照说明文可使用哪些结构模式呢?Let’s begin our class.

When using comparison and contrast in writing, we should know the following important points. (1)The items being compared or contrasted must have something in common. For example, you could choose to compare/contrast two movies, or two sports figures, but you may find it difficult to compare travel by train and animal. (2) It is better to mention the points you would like to compare or contrast in the thesis statement. (3) Comparison and contrast often go together, perhaps with stress on one or the other.

There are two patterns to organize the details of your comparison and contrast essay. (1) Subject by subject

Here, subject refers to the two items or people we want to compare or contrast. In this pattern, you first list some aspects about subject A and then the same aspects about subject B, and finally summarize the similarities and differences between them. Suppose we compare and contrast two professors. Please look at the chart below.

Subject by subject


Professor A                                    Professor B      

A Homework assignment                     A Homework assignment

B Class organization                          B Class organization

C Style of teaching                           C Style of teaching


(2) Point by point

Here, point refers to the aspects we would like to use to develop our essay. In this pattern, you alternate from one point of the first subject to the same point of the other subject before you move on to the next point. For instance, if we compare two generations, we may organize the details as follows. Please look at the chart below.

Point by point


(1) Way of think           (2) Attitude to changes      (3) Hobbies and interest                       

A Younger generation       A Younger generation       A Younger generation

B Older generation          B Older generation         B Older generation


When writing a comparison and contrast essay, we can use some transitional words. (1) In comparison, we can use words like similarly, likewise, just as, like, similar to, alike, the same as, not only … but also…, both … and …and so on. (2) In contrast, we can use words like on the other hand, however, in contrast, even though, although, whereas, while, different from and so on.

Now let’s take an example and see how the essay develops in the pattern of point-by-point comparison. The topic is vacationing at a beach or in a city. Before you write the essay, make an outline and have a clear structure of the essay.



Thesis statement: We’ll contrast the differences between vacation at a beach and in a city.


Point 1: The first major difference is the kind of activities you are able to do.

Point 2: Another difference is the clothing and equipment you need to take with you.

Point 3: The final difference is the pace of life.


Here you have these differences to consider when deciding where to go on vacation.


The first part is introduction. There is the thesis statement: In this essay we’ll contrast the differences between vacationing at a beach and in a city. The second part is body. There are three points to contrast. ….And at last, the third part is conclusion: Here you have these differences to consider when deciding where to go on vacation.

Now, please read Paragraph One.

It is a fact that not all people have the opportunity to go on vacation. The ones who have the opportunity like to go out of town once in a while in order to leave their worries behind. When we go on vacation, we have to decide the best place to go according to what we have in mind. In this essay we’ll contrast the differences between vacationing at a beach and in a city. (Thesis statement)

Here in the introduction the author puts forward the thesis statement at last sentence. The main idea of the essay is very clear.

Next, let’s go to the Body and see how the essay develops by contrast.

The first major difference between vacationing on a beach and in a city is the kind of activities you are able to do. On a beach, for example, you can go sailing, fishing, surfing, skiing, or take advantage of the sun and lie in the sand to get a tan, or even in some cases feed sharks and swim with dolphins. On the other hand, in a city you can visit different sites such as museums, theaters, important buildings, or go downtown. This means that you have many places to know and you will need much more time and organization in a city than on a beach. (Point 1)

Another difference between vacationing on a beach and in a city is the clothing and equipment you need to take with you. If you decide to go to the beach, you will have to take mainly a bathing suit, shorts, short-sleeve shirts, sandals, sunglasses, and sun block. Considering that you are going to the city where you will have to walk a lot, you will need comfortable and casual clothing such as jeans and tennis shoes. You will also have to take fancy clothes in case you want to go, for example, to watch a play or to a concert. (Point 2)

The final difference between vacationing on a beach and in a city is the pace of life. If you want a relaxing plan, your option will be the beach. When you are on the beach you just let things happen while in the city you will have to schedule all your activities in order to have time to visit the different sites you want to. (Point 3)

In the body, the author uses the point-by-point pattern when making contrast. Through contrasting 3 points between vacationing at beach and in a city objectively and clearly, the author helps us understand two places better so that we can make more reasonable judgments.

Now let’s read the conclusion.

In conclusion, here you have these differences to consider when deciding where to go on vacation. Although both places are interesting and exciting, it all depends on what you are looking for. Keep in mind that wherever you decide to go you will enjoy it.

Here, in the last paragraph, the author summarizes the points in the body part and gives us his advice. The transitional word in conclusion is used at the begging of the last paragraph, which is very coherent and natural. It’s a successful contrast essay.

Today we have learned the writing method: Development by comparison and contrast. Can you use it in your own writing? Practice makes perfect.

Well, please write a comparison/contrast essay on the following topic. You can use either subject-by-subject pattern or point by point pattern.

Topic: Thrifty peoples versus the non-thrifty people


Today we’ll stop here. Thank you. See you next time




第一章 英语写作基础知识

-1.1 “好”词那么多,我该选哪个?




-1.2.1 "好"句那么多,我该选哪个?




-1.2.2 "句子"问题那么多,我能逃过几个?



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.1 必要的连接词,你会用吗?




-1.3.2 八问搞定主题句



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.3 SWB段落扩展法



-- 随堂测验

-1.3.4 段落内部的亲戚关系




第二章 常用文体写作策略

-2.1 英语短文结构:层次清楚三部分




-2.2 记叙文:叙述得当有办法




-2.3 描写文:描写生动有技巧




-2.4.1 说明文:举例法




-2.4.2 说明文:过程分析法




-2.4.3 说明文:因果分析法




-2.4.4 说明文:比较和对照法




-2.5 议论文:论证充分有力度




第三章 应用文写作技巧

-3.1 英文书信:交流必备小常识




-3.2 英文履历: 双语形象的敲门砖




-3.3 个人陈述:如何推销你自己

-- 个人陈述视频+讲稿+课件



-3.4 竞选演说:如何表达更出色

-- 竞选演说视频+讲稿+课件



-3.5 海报:如何宣传更有效

--海报 视频+讲稿+课件



第四章 大学英语四、六级写作应考锦囊

-4.1 小白三连问:考什么?怎么考?怎么评?




-4.2 提纲作文:让咱写啥就写啥!




-4.3 话题作文:各有利弊,择其一!




-4.4 格言作文:大道理且听我慢慢道来!




-4.5 图示作文:涂涂画画终归还是谈热点!




-4.6 书信作文:亲爱的,我有话对你说!




-4.7 其他作文:百变不离其宗,说清楚即可!








第五章 考研英语写作妙计

-5.1 小白三连问:考什么? 怎么考?怎么评?

-- 视频+讲稿+课件



-5.2 考研小作文:“三步走”和“五要素”




-5.3 大作文:话题归类找模板




第六章 雅思考试写作法宝


--雅思考什么 视频+讲稿+课件




-6.2 大作文:论述观点有技巧

--雅思大作文 视频+讲稿+课件



-6.3 小作文:描述信息有重点

--雅思小作文 视频+讲稿+课件





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