A Beginner’s Guide to Etiquette

The Chinese nation is known as the "state of etiquette", and its etiquette culture has a long history. Etiquette is an indispensable lubricant in cross-cultural communication and a necessary professional skill for everyone to enter the Chinese workplace. "A Beginner’s Guide to Etiquette" is a compulsory career development course for new professionals in the workplace as well as a career culture development course for people around the world to understand the Chinese workplace and etiquette.


A Beginner’s Guide to Etiquette课程:前往报名学习

A Beginner’s Guide to Etiquette视频慕课课程简介:

The Chinese nation is known as the "state of etiquette", and its etiquette culture has a long history. Etiquette is an indispensable lubricant in cross-cultural communication and a necessary professional skill for everyone to enter the Chinese workplace. "A Beginner’s Guide to Etiquette" is a compulsory career development course for new professionals in the workplace as well as a career culture development course for people around the world to understand the Chinese workplace and etiquette.


A Beginner’s Guide to Etiquette课程列表:


01 Introduction: Winning through Etiquette

-Introduction: Winning through Etiquette





--Do you think etiquette is important? Why?

--Do you know the differences between Chinese and foreign etiquette?

--What are your favorite “proverbs of etiquette” or “famous sentences of etiquette”?

02 Professional Image

-The Importance of Professional Image: Seven-Second Impression and Winning




-Overall Principle of Professional Dressing: The Beginning of a Successful Image




-Business Dressing Etiquette for Men: Opportunities in Dressing Etiquette




-Business Dressing Etiquette for Women: Are You “Posing” the Right Way




-Skin Care: Paying More Attention to Your Skin




-Professional Make-up: Have You Taken the Mistakes for Granted





--Is the first impression important? How can we change our bad first impression on others?

--How to apply “fashion” to the workplace dressing?

--Do you know the differences between eastern and western understanding of makeup, skin care and even

03 Deportment and Manners

-Posture: Winning People's Approval and Admiration




-Looks and Smiles: Valuable “Expression Package” in the Workplaces




-Special Body Languages: The Invisible Punctuation





--What are gentlemen and ladies like in your eyes?

--Did you smile today?

--What “minor behaviors” do you think you cannot stand?

04 Seating Arrangement Etiquette

-The Principle and Method of Seating Arrangements: Making Clear the Seating Order First




-Guiding Etiquette: Where Exactly Should You Be




-Seating Arrangements in Cars: Are You “Seated” Right




-Seating Arrangements in Business Meetings: It Is Not Wrong to Make Sure Your Seat Before Taking it




-Seating Arrangements of Chinese Banquets: How Do We Show Guests Respects




-Seating Arrangements of Western Banquets: What Do You Think About “Lady First”





--Which order arrangement are you unclear?

--Who should sit in the front passenger seat?

--Do you know the principles, differences and exceptions of seat arrangements in Chinese and Western f

05 Meeting and Communication Etiquette

-Greetings: The Subtlety of Greeting




-Addresses: Details Not to Be Overlooked




-Handshake: The First Touch to Establish Contact




-Embrace: Do You Need Such “Temperature”




-Foreign-Related Etiquette: When in Rome, Do as the Romans Do




-Self-Introduction: Introducing Yourself Formally




-Introducing Others: Bridging the Parties




-Business Card: The Second Face of Image





--What is your favorite greeting?

--What do you think are the strange addressing terms in China?

--What kind of self-introduction can leave deep impression on others?

06 Communication, Contact and Etiquette

-Telephone Etiquette: How to Call Your Boss with Ease




-Cellphone Etiquette: Being Rude or Polite Cellphone Users




-Mail Etiquette: Helping You Maintain, Not Destroy, Relationships




-WeChat Social Etiquette: The “Meeting and Scanning” Era





--Do you know any popular Internet phrases that you cannot understand?

--What are some bad behaviors regarding emails that bother you?

--What would you do if you sent a job message but receive no reply?

07 Business Banquet Etiquette

-Invitation and Preparation: A Successful Invitation is the Beginning of Everything




-Chinese Food: Do Not Underestimate the “Multiple Choice Questions” on the Dining Table




-The Drinking Etiquette of Chinese Banquets: “Can Drink" is Not Equal to “Drink Properly”




-Use of Chinese Tableware: It Is Said 90% of the People Do not Get It Right




-The Dining Etiquette of Chinese Food: Soft Power around the Dining Table




-The Clues in Western Tableware: The Dining Table as a “Weaponry Shop”




-Seven Dishes of Western Food: Do You Know How to Enjoy Each




-The Drinking Etiquette of Western Food: A Love Affair with Food and Wine




-The Dining Etiquette of Western Food: Graceful like a Gentleman and Lady





--How would you arrange this feast?

--Do you know the differences in alcoholic beverage and drinks etiquette between Chinese and foreign c

--Would you please give some examples of differences in dining etiquette in Chinese food and western f

08 Reception and Visit Etiquette

-Routine Reception: Promoting Impressions through Details




-Grand Reception: The Tailored Reception




-Company Visit 1: “Once or Never” Chance to Leave a Good Impression




-Company Visit 2: Details Make the Difference




-Residential Visit: For the Convenience of the Host and Be a Popular Visitor




-Business Gifts: Not the More Expensive the Better





--What do you think is the most important thing in reception? Where are the differences in reception b

--Do you know any difference in people’s understanding of time across countries?

--Are you good at selecting gifts?

09 Job Interview Etiquette

-Inspecting Yourself: Success Depends on Knowing Yourself and the Jobs Offered




-Resume Writing: How to Write an Irresistible Resume




-Interview Dress and Manner: Secrets for Improving Your Chances




-Classic Question Template: The Interviewer's Question Bank




-Resolution of Embarrassing Situations: Not Be Too Embarrassed to Recall These Tricks





--Which Chinese companies do you like the most?

--How can you make your resume stand out?

--Do you know what a no-leader group interview is?

10 Business Speech Etiquette

-Speech Preparation: Overcoming Speech Anxiety




-Etiquette in Speech Making: Charm through Elegance




-Concluding Stately: Future Escorted by Etiquette




--Do you think giving a speech is scary? Talk about your experience.

--What do you think a successful speech should be?

--Can you summarize the differences in business etiquette between China and your country?

Final Exam

-Final Exam

A Beginner’s Guide to Etiquette开设学校:昆明理工大学

A Beginner’s Guide to Etiquette授课教师:


德国特里尔大学商学硕士,昆明理工大学城市学院副教授,美国饭店协会注册高级培训师、注册营销师、黄金服务师。中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛金奖、银奖指导教师,指导学生参加各类比赛荣获国家级和省级奖项40个。获国家级精品在线开放课程1门、省级一流本科线上课程1门;获云南省教学成果一等奖1项、校级特等奖等5项;主持和参与的国家级、省级和校级教改及科研项目23项,出版教材3部,发表论文7篇。 从事11年的商务礼仪课程教学、实践及研究,获教育部在线教育研究中心2018年度“智慧教学之星”。主持的礼仪类教改项目包括云南省高校课程思政示范课程重点培育项目;昆明理工大学慕课建设项目、国际版慕课建设项目、课程考核改革项目、新兴重点系列教材编著、“智慧教学”改革与研究、“国内一流”本科课程建设等。此外,荣获云南省优秀指导教师奖;昆明理工大学红云园丁奖、优秀班主任、工会工作积极分子和“先进女职工”等荣誉称号。




童茜,泰国国立发展管理学院(National Institute of Development Administration)管理学在读博士,营销师,会展经营策划师。从事7年多的《商务礼仪》课程教学、实践及研究,副主编《商务礼仪》、《商务礼仪实训》教材2部,参编《管理理论与实践》教材1部。获得昆明冶金高等专科学校“教学标兵”称号;昆明理工大学青年教师教学比赛特等奖、红云园丁奖、优秀班主任等荣誉称号。










  1. A Beginner’s Guide to Etiquette(Round 2)

  2. 钢琴演奏基础(Fundamentals of Piano Performance)(2021秋)

  3. 人类行为与社会环境(2021秋)

  4. 植物营养学(2021秋)

  5. 药剂学(2021秋)

  6. 分子医学技术(2021秋)

  7. 数字化产品设计(2021秋)

  8. Chinese Art History(Round 2)

  9. 计算机组织与结构(2021秋)

  10. 民法总则(2021秋)

  11. 教&学微辞典(自主模式)

  12. 结构抗震设计(2021秋)

  13. 建筑火灾扑救技术与战术(2021秋)

  14. 跨境电商实务(2021秋)

  15. 漏洞利用及渗透测试基础(2021秋)

  16. 机械振动(2021秋)

  17. 人体科学(2021秋)

  18. 英语语音(2021秋)

  19. C语言程序设计(下)(2021秋)

  20. Petri网:模型、理论与应用(2021秋)
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