当前课程知识点:Overview of China >  第四章 欣赏中国 Appreciating China >  4.3 戏曲欣赏 Opera Appreciation >  4.3.3 皮影戏和样板戏 Shadow Play and Model Play

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4.3.3 皮影戏和样板戏 Shadow Play and Model Play在线视频

下一节:4.4.1 文房四宝及书体 Four Treasures of Study and Calligraphy Style

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4.3.3 皮影戏和样板戏 Shadow Play and Model Play课程教案、知识点、字幕

朋友 您好
Hello friends

Welcome to the Overview of China!

Let's learn more about China.

今天 我们一起来欣赏中国的皮影戏和样板戏
Today, let's enjoy Chinese shadow play and model play.

Shadow puppetry play

皮影戏 又称 影子戏
Shadow puppetry play, also known as shadow play

或 灯影戏
or lantern shadow play

is a folk drama in which figures

made of skins or cardboard

are silhouetted to show stories.

During the performance

the artist manipulated the filmmaker

behind the white curtain

while telling the story with local popular tunes.

It is accompanied by percussion instruments and strings

with a strong local flavor.

Shadow puppetry play includes historical romance play,

folk legend play,

martial arts case-solving play,

love story play,

myth fable play,

fashion modern play, etc.

Traditional plays include:

岳飞传 水浒传
Yue Fei, All Aan Are Brothers

白蛇传 西厢记
White Snake, Romance of the Western Chamber

秦香莲 白毛女
Qin Xianglian, White-Haired GirL

刘胡兰 小二黑结婚等
Liu Hulan, Xiaoerhei Got Married, etc.

Model opera

样板戏 又称 八大样板戏
Model opera, also known as eight model operas

Which include:

革命现代京剧 智取威虎山
revolutionary modern Peking opera Outwitting Mount Tiger

红灯记 沙家浜
Red lantern , Sha Jiabang

海港 奇袭白虎团
Harbor , Surprise Attack on White Tiger Group

龙江颂 芭蕾舞剧 白毛女
Ode to Dragon River , ballet White-haired Girl

Red Women Soldiers

One of the major innovations of the model opera

is the introduction of western symphonies for


thus enriching the expressive force of Beijing opera.

In addition to accompanying music,

样板戏在舞台美术方面 也运用了
model operas also use

western painting forms in stage art.

在布景 道具 服装等舞美层次上
They pay more attention to realism

on the level of scenery, props and costumes

while traditional Peking Opera pays

more attention to

写意性 象征性
freehand brushwork and symbolization.

另外 样板戏的唱词很精彩
Besides, the model opera's lyrics are wonderful

and the narration is catchy

solving the problem of the traditional Beijing opera

which is too slow to understand.

Let's enjoy a model opera!

Outwitting Mount Tiger

This song is about Yang Zirong's journey

to Mount Weihu as a bandit.

From this, we can feel

the valiant and heroic bearing of Yang Zirong

riding his horse and whipping his whip

in the vast forest filled with snow and wind.

We appreciate his fearless spirit of seeking liberation for the people

daring to rush into the flames

以及 迎来春色换人间 的理想
his ideal of "welcoming the spring scenery and changing the world"

which the bandits' nest will definitely be turned upside down

which the bandits' nest will definitely be turned upside down

好 关于中国戏曲之旅就到这里
Well, that's all for the trip to Chinese opera.

让我们稍作休息 接着开启新的旅程吧
Let's take a break and start a new journey in the next video.

Overview of China课程列表:

第一章 走近中国 Approaching China

-大纲 The outline

-1.1 初识中国 First acquaintance of China

--1.1 初识中国 First acquaintance of China

-1.2 人文中国 Humanistic China

--1.2 人文中国 Humanistic China

-1.3 美丽中国 Beautiful China

--1.3 美丽中国 Beautiful China

-1.4 绿色中国 Green China

--1.4 绿色中国 Green China

-1.5 民俗中国 Folklore China

--1.5 民俗中国 Folklore China

-讨论 Discussion topic

-小测验 Quiz

第二章 感知中国 Perceiving China

-大纲 The outline

-2.1 畅行中国 Unimpeded China

--2.1.1 中国交通方式 China's mode of transportation

--2.1.2 中国著名人文景观 Famous cultural landscape in China

--2.1.3 中国著名自然景观 Famous natural landscape in China

-2.2 乐居中国 Happy living in China

--2.2.1 中国传统官式建筑 Traditional Chinese official architecture

--2.2.2 中国传统民居 Traditional Chinese houses

--2.2.3 中国现代城镇的发展 The development of modern towns in China

-2.3 食在中国 Eating in China

--2.3 食在中国 Eating in China

-2.4 穿在中国 Wear in China

--2.4 穿在中国 Wear in China

-2.5 医在中国 Medicine in China

--2.5 医在中国 Medicine in China

-讨论 Discussion topic

-小测验 Quiz

第三章 理解中国 Understanding China

-大纲 The outline

-3.1 中国历史 Chinese History

--3.1.1.走向大一统的中华文明 Towards the unification of Chinese civilization

--3.1.2 多民族融合的封建帝国 A multi-ethnic feudal empire

--3.1.3 日新月异的和平中国 Peaceful China changing with each passing day

--小测验 Quiz

-3.2 中国科技 China‘s Science and Technology

--3.2.1 中国古代四大发明 Four great inventions in ancient China

--3.2.2 中国古代数学和天文学 Ancient Chinese mathematical astronomy

--3.2.3 古代青铜器和农业科技 Ancient bronzes and agricultural technology

--3.2.4 中国新四大发明 Four new inventions in China

--3.2.5 国防与民生科技 National defense and people's Livelihood Science and technology

--3.2.6 中国航空航天 China Aerospace


-3.3 中国经济 China's Economy

--3.3.1 中国古代农业和手工业 Ancient Chinese agriculture and handicraft industry

--3.3.2 中国古代商业 Ancient Chinese Commerce

--3.3.3 中国现代经济政策和体制 China's modern economic policy and system

--3.3.4 中国经济发展的成就 Achievements in China's economic development

--3.3.5 中国经济发展的新趋势 The new trend of China's economic development


-3.4 中国教育 Education in China

--3.4.1 古代哲学和教育思想 Ancient philosophy and educational thought

--3.4.2 古代学校教育 Ancient school education

--3.4.3 科举制度 Imperial examination system

--3.4.4 扫盲运动与高考 Literacy campaign and college entrance examination

--3.4.5 中国现代教育体系 China's modern education system

--3.4.6 国际教育交流与合作 International educational exchange and cooperation


-讨论 Discussion topic

第四章 欣赏中国 Appreciating China

-大纲 The outline

-4.1 文学欣赏 Literary Appreciation

--4.1.1 《诗经》和《离骚》Book of Songs and Li Sao

--4.1.2 诸子散文 Philosophical Prose

--4.1.3 唐诗宋词 Chinese Tangsong Poetics

--4.1.4 四大名著 Four Masterpieces

--4.1.5 中国现代文学 Modern Chinese Literature

--4.1.6 中国当代文学 Contemporary Chinese Literature

--小测验 Quiz

-4.2 音乐欣赏 Music Appreciation

--4.2.1 中国传统音乐与乐器 Traditional Chinese Music and Musical Instruments

--4.2.2 中国古典十大名曲 Ten Famous Classical Chinese Songs

--4.2.3 五彩缤纷的现代音乐 Colorful Modern Music

--小测验 Quiz

-4.3 戏曲欣赏 Opera Appreciation

--4.3.1 京剧 Peking Opera

--4.3.2 豫剧和其他地方戏 Henan Opera and Other Local Operas

--4.3.3 皮影戏和样板戏 Shadow Play and Model Play

--小测验 Quiz

-4.4 书画欣赏 Appreciation of Painting and Calligraphy

--4.4.1 文房四宝及书体 Four Treasures of Study and Calligraphy Style

--4.4.2 书法艺术习成及名家名作 Calligraphy and Masterpieces

--4.4.3 中国画的工具及分类 Tools and Classification of Chinese Painting

--4.4.4 中国绘画名家名作 Famous Works of Chinese Painters

--4.4.5 中国书画艺术思想 The artistic Thought of Chinese Painting and Calligraphy

--小测验 Quiz

-4.5 影视欣赏 Film Appreciation

--4.5.1 中国20世纪上半期电影形成与发展及电影作品欣赏 The formation and development of Chinese films in the first half of the 20th century and the appreciation of their works

--4.5.2 新中国成立后至二十世纪八十年代中国影视发展 China's film and television development from the founding of new China to the 1980s

--4.5.3 20世纪90年代至今中国电影欣赏 Chinese film appreciation since 1990s

--小测验 Quiz

-4.6 武术欣赏 Chinese Martial Arts Appreciation

--4.6.1 中国武术的源流与发展 The Origin and Development of Chinese Martial Arts

--4.6.2 中国武术流派 Chinese Martial Arts schools

--4.6.3 十八般武器 18 Weapons of Martial Arts

--4.6.4 中国武术文化欣赏 Appreciation of Chinese Martial Arts Culture

--小测验 Quiz

-讨论 Discussion topic

第五章 筑梦中国 Building Dreams in China

-大纲 The outline

-5.1 源远流长的古代中外交流 Ancient exchanges between China and foreign countries

--5.1源远流长的古代中外交流 Ancient exchanges between China and foreign countries

-5.2 丰富多彩的现代中外交流 Rich and colorful modern exchanges between China and foreign countries

--5.2 丰富多彩的现代中外交流 Rich and colorful modern exchanges between China and foreign countries

-小测验 Quiz

-讨论 Discussion topic

期末考试 Final Examination

-期末考试 Final Examination

--期末考试 Final Examination

4.3.3 皮影戏和样板戏 Shadow Play and Model Play笔记与讨论


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